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General Information

WOO X. A privately-accessible liquidity venue for the trading of cryptocurrencies.

WOO X provides clients with an easily accessible deep pool of liquidity sourced from the largest exchanges and from Kronos’ HFT proprietary trading. We utilize advanced crossing and routing methods which provide ease of access and superior trade execution to select exchanges.

We provide two interfaces to communicate between WOO X and clients.

Base endpoints:

We will launch a new domain on 2024/09/22. Please note that the old domain will be decommissioned at a later date, which will be announced separately. If you are a new user, please use the new domain for integration. If you are an existing user, you may continue using, but we recommend migrating to as soon as possible to avoid any service disruptions in the future.

All our interfaces require key to access, and the token will be pre-generated by us.
Please set the corrsponding header in your request. Refer to Authenticaton for more information.

WOO X use the following format: <TYPE>_<BASE>_<QUOTE> to represent a symbol name, for example: SPOT_BTC_USDT means that it is BTC_USDT pair in SPOT trading market.

Rate Limit:

WebSocket Connection: - The establishment of WebSocket connections is based on the application ID. - The application ID should be appended at the end of the wss endpoint.

RESTful API: - For public endpoints, the rate limit is calculated based on the IP address. - For private endpoints, the rate limit is calculated based on the account (i.e., application ID, unique for each main/sub-account). - All api_keys under the same account (i.e., the same application ID) share their rate limits.

WebSocket Service Connection Restrictions: - WebSocket services have limitations on the number of connections and topic subscriptions. - For each account (main and sub-accounts are independent), there is a restriction on the maximum concurrent connection count, set at 80. - The maximum number of topics within each connection is limited to 50.

IP Connection Limitation: - Simultaneously, there is a restriction on the concurrent connection count for each IP address, capped at 1000.

if your application reached the rate limit of a certain endpoint, the server will return an error result with http code 429. You may need to wait until the next time horizon.

Error Message:

Errors consist of three parts: an error code, detail message and a success flag.

  "success": false,
  "code": -1005, // Error code
  "message": "order_price must be a positive number" // Detail message  

All API will return following json when api failed, the "message" will contain the detail error message, it may be because some data is in the wrong format, or another type of error.
Specific error codes and messages are defined in Errors Codes.


Client needs to ask for an api_keyapi-timestamp and api_secret, and use these to sign your request.

VIP users add an optional api-recvwindow to specify the number of milliseconds after api-timestamp the request is valid for. If api-recvwindow is not specified, it defaults to 5000.If api-timestamp + api-recvwindow > timestamp in dedicated gateway when it’s ready to process the request, throw an error “Request has failed as the receive window is exceeded.”


Here we provide a simple example that shows you how to send a valid request to WOO X.
Assume following infomation:

Key Value Description
api_key AbmyVJGUpN064ks5ELjLfA== create from WOO X console
api_secret QHKRXHPAW1MC9YGZMAT8YDJG2HPR create from WOO X console
timestamp 1578565539808 Unix epoch time in milliseconds
api-recvwindow 5000 specify the number of milliseconds after api-timestamp the request is valid for (VIP users)

Hash your request parameters with api_secret, the hashing logic is described as follows:

If the request looks like:

POST /v1/order

# Body parameter:

For v1 API, please follow the steps to normalize request content:

  1. use query string as the parameters for GET methods and body parameters for POST and DELETE methods.
  2. concat query string and body parameters in an alphabetical order in query string format.
  3. concat timestamp with the above result, using | as seperator.

Normalize request content for V1 API, The result content would look like following


For v3 API using request body to pass the parameters, please concatenate the timestamp, http request method, request_path and request_body as the normalized content to sign. Besides, please use application/json as Content-Type in the headers.

var signString = timestamp + method + request_path + request_body;

Normalize request content for V3 API, The result content would look like following

    "symbol": "PERP_BTC_USDT",
    "side": "BUY",
    "reduceOnly": false,
    "type": "MARKET",
    "quantity": "1",
    "algoType": "TRAILING_STOP",
    "callbackRate": "0.012"

Then use api_secret to hash it with HMAC SHA256 algorithm, you can use openssl to get this:

$ echo -n "order_price=9000&order_quantity=0.11&order_type=LIMIT&side=BUY&symbol=SPOT_BTC_USDT|1578565539808" | openssl dgst -sha256 -hmac "QHKRXHPAW1MC9YGZMAT8YDJG2HPR"
(stdin)= 20da0852f73b20da0208c7e627975a59ff072379883d8457d03104651032033d

Put the HMAC signature in request header x-api-signature, and put timestamp in x-api-timestamp, and also api key in x-api-key.

So the final request would look like:

sample code

# python sample code for generate signature
import datetime
import hmac, hashlib, base64
import requests
import json

staging_api_secret_key = '6XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXB'
staging_api_key = 'Ppppppppppppppppppp=='

def _generate_signature(data):
  key = staging_api_secret_key#'key' # Defined as a simple string.
  key_bytes= bytes(key , 'utf-8') # Commonly 'latin-1' or 'utf-8'
  data_bytes = bytes(data, 'utf-8') # Assumes `data` is also a string.
  return, data_bytes , hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

milliseconds_since_epoch = round( * 1000)

headers = {
    'x-api-timestamp': str(milliseconds_since_epoch),
    'x-api-key': staging_api_key,
    'x-api-signature': _generate_signature("client_order_id=123456&order_price=0.8148&order_quantity=10&order_type=LIMIT&side=BUY&symbol=PERP_XRP_USDT|"+str(milliseconds_since_epoch)),
    'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
data = {
  'order_price' : 0.8148,
  'order_quantity': 10,
  'order_type': 'LIMIT',
  'symbol': 'PERP_XRP_USDT'

response ='', headers=headers, data=data )

# Get current timestamp in milliseconds
milliseconds_since_epoch = str(int( * 1000))

# Define query parameters
params = {
    "page": 14,
    "size": 100,
    "from": 1,
    "to": 1739215032222

# Construct request path and query string
request_path = '/v3/referrals'
query_string = '&'.join([f"{key}={value}" for key, value in params.items()])
url = f'{request_path}?{query_string}'

# Concatenate signature content: timestamp + method + request_path + query_string
signature_payload = milliseconds_since_epoch + 'GET' + request_path + '?' + query_string

# Generate signature
def _generate_signature(data):
    key_bytes = bytes(prod_api_secret_key, 'utf-8')
    data_bytes = bytes(data, 'utf-8')
    return, data_bytes, hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

signature = _generate_signature(signature_payload)

# Set headers
headers = {
    'x-api-timestamp': milliseconds_since_epoch,
    'x-api-key': prod_api_key,
    'x-api-signature': signature,
    'Cache-Control': 'no-cache'

# Send GET request with query parameters
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

# Print response

// Node.js sample code for generate signature
var cryptoJS = require('crypto-js');
var axios = require('axios');
async function getAccountInfo() {

  const xApiTimestamp =;

  const queryString = '|' + xApiTimestamp;

  production_api_secret_key = '3XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXZ'
  production_api_key = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=='
  console.log(cryptoJS.HmacSHA256(queryString, production_api_secret_key).toString());
  const headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
    'x-api-key': production_api_key,
    'x-api-signature': cryptoJS.HmacSHA256(queryString, production_api_secret_key).toString(),
    'x-api-timestamp': xApiTimestamp,
    'cache-control': 'no-cache'


  try {
    const res = await axios.get('' + '/v1/client/info', {headers:headers});

    console.log('response', res);

    return res;

  } catch (error) {
    // throw new Error('Error with getAccountInfo : ' + error.message + '\n' + 'queryString : ' + queryString)





There have four-layer checker to check if a request is valid. WOO X server only accepts the request that passed all checkers. The checker is defined as follows:

Revoken checker:
The api key/secret can be revoked manaually by clients' request. if the key was revoked, all access tokens generated by this key cannot be used.

Request IP checker:
The api key/secret can be tied to specific ips (default is empty). if the request is not coming from allowed ip addresses, the request would be rejected.

Request Timestamp checker:
The request would be considered expired and get rejected if the timestamp in x-api-timestamp header has a 300+ second difference from the API server time.

HMAC Parameter Signature:
The request must have a x-api-signature header that is generated from request parameters and signed with your secret key.

Error Codes

Errors consist of three parts: an error code and a message. Codes are universal, but messages can vary. Here is the error JSON payload:

  "success": false,
  "code": -1001, // Error code
  "message": "order_price must be a positive number" // Detail message  
Error Code Status Code Error Name Description
-1000 500 UNKNOWN An unknown error occurred while processing the request.
-1001 401 INVALID_SIGNATURE The api key or secret is in wrong format.
-1002 401 UNAUTHORIZED API key or secret is invalid, it may be because the key has insufficient permission or the key is expired/revoked.
-1003 429 TOO_MANY_REQUEST Rate limit exceed.
-1004 400 UNKNOWN_PARAM An unknown parameter was sent.
-1005 400 INVALID_PARAM Some parameters are in the wrong format for api.
-1006 400 RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND The data is not found in the server. For example, when the client try canceling a CANCELLED order, will raise this error.
-1007 409 DUPLICATE_REQUEST The data already exists or your request is duplicated.
-1008 400 QUANTITY_TOO_HIGH The quantity of settlement is higher than you can request.
-1009 400 CAN_NOT_WITHDRAWAL Can not request withdrawal settlement, you need to deposit other arrears first.
-1011 400 RPC_NOT_CONNECT Can not place/cancel orders, it may be because of internal network error. Please try again in a few seconds.
-1012 400 RPC_REJECT The place/cancel order request is rejected by internal module, it may be because the account is in liquidation or other internal errors. Please try again in a few seconds.
-1101 400 RISK_TOO_HIGH The risk exposure for the client is too high, it may be caused by sending too big order or the leverage is too low. please refer to client info to check the current exposure.
-1102 400 MIN_NOTIONAL The order value (price * size) is too small.
-1103 400 PRICE_FILTER The order price is not following the tick size rule for the symbol.
-1104 400 SIZE_FILTER The order quantity is not following the step size rule for the symbol.
-1105 400 PERCENTAGE_FILTER Price is X% too high or X% too low from the mid price.

order service error code

code errorCode message
-1005 317136 Edit tpsl quantity is not allowed for quantity bracket
-1005 317137 Edit quantity should edit both legs
-1005 317138 Edit quantity should be same for both legs
-1005 317139 Trigger price of 1st leg should not be empty for STOP_BRACKET
-1005 317140 The quantity of a quantity TP/SL order should not be empty.
-1005 317141 The algo quantity TP/SL limit order should have field price
-1005 317142 The algo trigger type of quantity TP/SL should not be CLOSE_POSITION
-1005 317143 The side of TP/SL legs should be the same
-1006 317144 IndexPrice is not supported for non spot symbol ${symbol}
-1103 317145 same as INVALID_PRICE_QUOTE_MIN but different 'code'
-1103 317146 same as INVALID_PRICE_QUOTE_MAX but different 'code'
-1103 317147 same as INVALID_PRICE_TICKER_SIZE but different 'code'
-1005 317148 symbol can't be empty.
-1006 317149 same with TRADE_NOT_FOUND with different ErrorCodes
-1005 317150 trigger price must be greater than ${price}
-1005 317151 trigger price must be less than ${price}
-1005 317152 The order not found for the order id : ${orderId}
-1005 317153 child order not found for the order id : ${orderId}
-1012 317154 RPC failed: error: ${msg}
-1005 317155 unsupported symbol: ${symbol}
-1006 317156 unsupported symbol: ${symbol}
-1006 317157 Trading with ${symbol1}/${symbol2} is temporarily suspended. Please try again later.
-1006 317158 Trading with ${token}-PERP is temporarily suspended. Please try again later.
-1005 317159 This pair is currently not supported.
-1006 317160 The order id and symbol are not matched
-1006 317161 The order is completed
-1005 317162 The params should not be null or 0
-1005 317163 cannot edit TP/SL quantity under bracket order
-1006 317164 Invalid client order id
-1006 317165 invalid order id list
-1006 317166 invalid client order id list
-1005 317167 unsupported algo type: ${algoType}
-1000 317168 Order failed due to internal service error. Please contact customer service.
-1006 317169 Trading with ${left}/${right} is temporarily suspended. Please try again later.
-1005 317170 The order quantity must bigger than the executed quantity.
-1000 317171 error path format
-1005 317172 The userId should not be null or 0
-1005 317173 The orderId should not be null or 0
-1006 317174 The order is processing
-1005 317176 The trigger after should from 0 to ${maxTriggerAfter}
-1005 317177 Order has terminated
-1005 317178 The receive window is invalid.
-1005 317179 Request has failed as the receive window: ${recv_window} millisecond is exceeded from ${api_timestamp}


Get System Maintenance Status (Public)

Limit: 10 requests per 1 second per IP address

GET /v1/public/system_info

For fetch system status to check if system is down or under maintenance.


    // functioning properly
            "msg":"System is functioning properly."
    // trading maintenance
            "msg":"Under trading maintenance."

    // system maintenance
            "msg":"Under system maintenance."



Exchange Information

Limit: 10 requests per 1 second per IP address

GET /v1/public/info/:symbol

Get send order requirement by symbol, there are some rules need to be fullfilled in order to successfully send order, which are defined as follows:

Price filter

Size filter

Min Notional filter

Risk Exposure filer




Name Type Required Description
symbol string Y

Available Symbols (Public)

Limit: 10 requests per 1 second per IP address

GET /v1/public/info

Get the available symbols that WOO X supports, and also send order rules for each symbol. The definition of rules can be found at Exchange Infomation


  "success": true,
  "rows": [
      "created_time": "1575441595.65", // Unix epoch time in seconds
      "updated_time": "1575441595.65", // Unix epoch time in seconds
      "symbol": "SPOT_BTC_USDT",
      "quote_min": 100,
      "quote_max": 100000,
      "quote_tick": 0.01,
      "base_min": 0.0001,
      "base_max": 20,
      "base_tick": 0.0001,
      "min_notional": 0.02,
      "price_range": 0.99,
      "price_scope": 0.01,
    // ...



Market Trades (Public)

Limit: 10 requests per 1 second per IP address

GET /v1/public/market_trades

Get latest market trades. The response output "source" 1=internal (trade on WOO X), 0=external (trade from aggregrated sources)


    "success": true,
    "rows": [
            "symbol": "SPOT_ETH_USDT",
            "side": "BUY",
            "source": 0,
            "executed_price": 202,
            "executed_quantity": 0.00025,
            "executed_timestamp": "1567411795.000" // Unix epoch time in seconds
            "symbol": "SPOT_ETH_USDT",
            "side": "BUY",
            "source": 1,
            "executed_price": 202,
            "executed_quantity": 0.00025,
            "executed_timestamp": "1567411795.000" // Unix epoch time in seconds


Name Type Required Description
symbol string Y
limit number N (default: 10) Numbers of trades you want to query.

Market Trades History(Public)

Limit: 1 requests per 1 second per IP address


Get historical market trades data. The response output "source" 1=internal (trade on WOO X), 0=external (trade from aggregrated sources)


    "success": true,
        "rows": [
                "symbol": "SPOT_ETH_USDT",
                "side": "BUY",
                "source": 0,
                "executed_price": 202,
                "executed_quantity": 0.00025,
                "executed_timestamp": "1567411795.000" // Unix epoch time in seconds
                "symbol": "SPOT_ETH_USDT",
                "side": "BUY",
                "source": 1,
                "executed_price": 202,
                "executed_quantity": 0.00025,
                "executed_timestamp": "1567411795.000" // Unix epoch time in seconds


Name Type Required Description
page number N (default: 1)
size number N (default: 25)
start_time number Y start range that you wish to query, noted that the time stamp is a 13-digits timestamp.
symbol string Y

Orderbook snapshot (Public)

Limit: 10 requests per 1 second

GET /v1/public/orderbook/:symbol

SNAPSHOT of current orderbook. Price of asks/bids are in descending order. Note: The original endpoint GET /v1/orderbook/:symbol can still be used.


    "success": true,
    "asks": [
            "price": 10669.4,
            "quantity": 1.56263218
            "price": 10670.3,
            "quantity": 0.36466977
            "price": 10670.4,
            "quantity": 0.06738009
    "bids": [
            "price": 10669.3,
            "quantity": 0.88159988
            "price": 10669.2,
            "quantity": 0.5
            "price": 10668.9,
            "quantity": 0.00488286
    "timestamp": 1564710591905   // Unix epoch time in milliseconds


Name Type Required Description
max_level number N (default: 100) the levels you wish to show on both sides.

Kline (Public)

Limit: 10 requests per 1 second

GET /v1/public/kline

The latest klines of the trading pairs. Note: The original endpoint GET /v1/kline can still be used.


    "success": true,
    "rows": [
            "open": 66166.23,
            "close": 66124.56,
            "low": 66038.06,
            "high": 66176.97,
            "volume": 23.45528526,
            "amount": 1550436.21725288,
            "symbol": "SPOT_BTC_USDT",
            "type": "1m",
            "start_timestamp": 1636388220000, // Unix epoch time in milliseconds
            "end_timestamp": 1636388280000
            "open": 66145.13,
            "close": 66166.24,
            "low": 66124.62,
            "high": 66178.60,
            "volume": 15.50705000,
            "amount": 1025863.18892610,
            "symbol": "SPOT_BTC_USDT",
            "type": "1m",
            "start_timestamp": 1636388160000,
            "end_timestamp": 1636388220000
        // ...skip


Name Type Required Description
symbol string Y
type enum Y 1m/5m/15m/30m/1h/4h/12h/1d/1w/1mon/1y
limit number N (default: 100) Numbers of klines. Maximum of 1000 klines.

Kline - Historical Data (Public)

Limit: 1 request per 1 second per IP


The historical klines of the trading pairs. Note that the endpoint is different with other APIs.


    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "rows": [
                "open": 66166.23,
                "close": 66124.56,
                "low": 66038.06,
                "high": 66176.97,
                "volume": 23.45528526,
                "amount": 1550436.21725288,
                "symbol": "SPOT_BTC_USDT",
                "type": "1m",
                "start_timestamp": 1636388220000, // Unix epoch time in milliseconds
                "end_timestamp": 1636388280000
                "open": 66145.13,
                "close": 66166.24,
                "low": 66124.62,
                "high": 66178.60,
                "volume": 15.50705000,
                "amount": 1025863.18892610,
                "symbol": "SPOT_BTC_USDT",
                "type": "1m",
                "start_timestamp": 1636388160000,
                "end_timestamp": 1636388220000
            // ...skip
    "timestamp": 1636388280000


Name Type Required Description
symbol string Y
type enum Y 1m/5m/15m/30m/1h/4h/12h/1d/1w/1mon
start_time number Y start range that you wish to query, noted that the time stamp is a 13-digits timestamp.

Available Token (Public)

Limit: 10 requests per 1 second per IP address

GET /v1/public/token

Get the available tokens that WOO X supports, it need to use when you call get deposit address or withdraw api.


    "success": true,
    "rows": [
            "created_time": "1579399877.02", // Unix epoch time in seconds
            "updated_time": "1579399877.02", // Unix epoch time in seconds
            "token": "BTC",
            "delisted": false,
            "balance_token": "BTC",
            "fullname": "Bitcoin",
            "network": "BTC",
            "decimals": 8,




Token Network (Public)

Limit: 10 requests per 1 second per IP address

GET /v1/public/token_network

Get the available networks for each token as well as the deposit/withdrawal information.


    "success": true,
    "rows": [
            "protocol": "ERC20",
            "network": "ETH",
            "token": "1INCH",
            "name": "Ethereum (ERC20)",
            "minimum_withdrawal": 70,
            "withdrawal_fee": 35,
            "allow_deposit": 1,
            "allow_withdraw": 1
            "protocol": "ERC20",
            "network": "ETH",
            "token": "AAVE",
            "name": "Ethereum (ERC20)",
            "minimum_withdrawal": 0.12,
            "withdrawal_fee": 0.06,
            "allow_deposit": 1,
            "allow_withdraw": 1
            "protocol": "BEP20",
            "network": "BSC",
            "token": "ACE",
            "name": "BNB Smart Chain (BEP20)",
            "minimum_withdrawal": 5,
            "withdrawal_fee": 2.5,
            "allow_deposit": 1,
            "allow_withdraw": 1
            "protocol": "ADA",
            "network": "ADA",
            "token": "ADA",
            "name": "Cardano",
            "minimum_withdrawal": 24,
            "withdrawal_fee": 12,
            "allow_deposit": 1,
            "allow_withdraw": 1
        // ...



Get Predicted Funding Rate for All Markets (Public)

Limit: 10 requests per 1 second per IP address

GET /v1/public/funding_rates

Get predicted funding rate and the latest funding rate for all the markets.


    "rows": [
    "timestamp":1681069222726, // Unix epoch time in milliseconds

Get Predicted Funding Rate for One Market (Public)

Limit: 10 requests per 1 second per IP address

GET /v1/public/funding_rate/:symbol

Get predicted funding rate and the latest funding rate for one market.


Name Type Required Description
symbol string Y


    "last_funding_rate_timestamp":1681066800000, // use rate to end calculating funding fee time

Get Funding Rate History for One Market (Public)

Limit: 10 requests per 1 second per IP address

GET /v1/public/funding_rate_history

Get funding rate for one market.


Name Type Required Description
symbol string Y
start_t timestamp N start time range that you wish to query, noted that the time stamp is a 13-digits timestamp. If start_t and end_t are not filled, the newest funding rate will be returned.
end_t timestamp N end time range that you wish to query, noted that the time stamp is a 13-digits timestamp. If start_t and end_t are not filled, the newest funding rate will be returned.
page number N (default: 1) the page you wish to query.
size number N (default: 25)


    "success": true,
    "meta": {
        "total": 670,
        "records_per_page": 25,
        "current_page": 1
    "rows": [
            "symbol": "PERP_BTC_USDT",
            "funding_rate": 0.12345689,
            "funding_rate_timestamp": 1567411795000, // use rate to end calculating funding fee time
            "next_funding_time": 1567411995000
            "symbol": "PERP_BTC_USDT",
            "funding_rate": 0.12345689,                                                 
            "funding_rate_timestamp": "1567411795.000", // use rate to end calculating funding fee time
            "next_funding_time": 1567411995000
    "timestamp": 1564710591905 // Unix epoch time in milliseconds

Get Futures Info for All Markets (Public)

Limit: 10 requests per 1 second per IP address

GET /v1/public/futures

Get basic futures information for all the markets.


    "success": true,
    "rows": [
          "symbol": "PERP_BTC_USDT",
                "index_price": 56727.31344564,
                "mark_price": 56727.31344564,
                "est_funding_rate": 0.12345689,
                "last_funding_rate": 0.12345689,
                "next_funding_time": 1567411795000,
                "open_interest": 0.12345689, // Open Interest is obtained in real-time.
                "24h_open": 0.16112,
                "24h_close": 0.32206,
                "24h_high": 0.33000,
                "24h_low": 0.14251,
                "24h_volume": 89040821.98,
                "24h_amount": 22493062.21
            "symbol": "PERP_ETH_USDT",
                "index_price": 6727.31344564,
                "mark_price": 6727.31344564,
                "est_funding_rate": 0.12345689,
                "last_funding_rate": 0.12345689,
                "next_funding_time": 1567411795000,
                "open_interest": 0.12345689,
                "24h_open": 0.16112,
                "24h_close": 0.32206,
                "24h_high": 0.33000,
                "24h_low": 0.14251,
                "24h_volume": 89040821.98,
                "24h_amount": 22493062.21
    "timestamp": 1564710591905 // Unix epoch time in milliseconds

Get Futures for One Market (Public)

Limit: 10 requests per 1 second per IP address

GET /v1/public/futures/:symbol

Get basic futures information for one market.


Name Type Required Description
symbol string Y


    "success": true,
        "symbol": "PERP_BTC_USDT",
        "index_price": 56727.31344564,
        "mark_price": 56727.31344564,
        "est_funding_rate": 0.12345689,
        "last_funding_rate": 0.12345689,
        "next_funding_time": 1567411795000,
        "open_interest": 0.12345689,
        "24h_open": 0.16112,
       "24h_close": 0.32206,
       "24h_high": 0.33000,
       "24h_low": 0.14251,
       "24h_volume": 89040821.98,
       "24h_amount": 22493062.21
    "timestamp": 1564710591905 // Unix epoch time in milliseconds

Token Config

Limit: 10 requests per 1 second

GET /v1/client/token

Get the configuration (collateral ratio, margin ratio factor etc) of the token.


    "success": true,
    "rows": [
            "token": "BTC",
            "collateral_ratio": 0.85,
            "margin_factor": 2.3e-8,
            "futures_margin_factor": 2.3e-8,
            "collateral": true,        // if the token is now used as collateral
            "can_collateral": true,    // if the token can be used as collateral
            "can_short": true,         // if the token supports short selling
            "stable": false,            // if the token is stable coin or not
            'margin_max_leverage': 5, 
            'futures_max_leverage': 20, 
            'margin_max_position': 100000000000,
            'futures_max_position': 100000000000
            "token": "ETH",
            "collateral_ratio": 0.85,
            "margin_factor": 2.5e-8,
            "futures_margin_factor": 2.3e-8,
            "collateral": true,
            "can_collateral": true,
            "can_short": true,
            "stable": false, 
            'margin_max_leverage': 5, 
            'futures_max_leverage': 20, 
            'margin_max_position': 100000000000,
            'futures_max_position': 100000000000
            "token": "ASD",
            "collateral_ratio": 1,
            "margin_factor": 0,
            "futures_margin_factor": 0,
            "collateral": false,
            "can_collateral": false,
            "can_short": false,
            "stable": false, 
            'margin_max_leverage': 5, 
            'futures_max_leverage': 20, 
            'margin_max_position': 100000000000,
            'futures_max_position': 100000000000



Send Order

Limit: 10 requests per 1 second

POST /v1/order

Place order maker/taker, the order executed information will be updated from websocket stream. will respond immediately with an order created message.

MARKET type order behavior: it matches until all size is executed. If the size is too large (larger than the whole book) or the matching price exceeds the price limit (refer to price_range), then the remaining quantity will be cancelled.

IOC type order behavior: it matches as much as possible at the order_price. If not fully executed, then remaining quantity will be cancelled.

FOK type order behavior: if the order can be fully executed at the order_price then the order gets fully executed otherwise it would be cancelled without any execution.

ASK type order behavior: the order price is guaranteed to be the best ask price of the orderbook if it gets accepted.

BID type order behavior: the order price is guaranteed to be the best bid price of the orderbook if it gets accepted.

visible_quantity behavior: it sets the maximum quantity to be shown on orderbook. By default, it is equal to order_quantity, negative number and number larger than order_quantity is not allowed. If it sets to 0, the order would be hidden from the orderbook. It doesn't work for MARKET/IOC/FOK orders since orders with these types would be executed and cancelled immediately and not be shown on orderbook. For LIMIT/POST_ONLY order, as long as it's not complete, visible_quantity is the maximum quantity that is shown on the orderbook.

order_amount behavior: for MARKET/BID/ASK order, order can be placed by order_amount instead of order_quantity. It's the size of the order in terms of the quote currency instead of the base currency. The order would be rejected if both order_amount and order_quantity are provided. The precision of the number should be within 8 digits.

client_order_id behavior: customized order_id, a unique id among open orders. Orders with the same client_order_id can be accepted only when the previous one if completed, otherwise the order will be rejected.

For MARKET/BID/ASK order, if margin trading is disabled, order_amount is not supported when placing SELL order while order_quantity is not supported when placing BUY order.

For Long/ Short order, It is supported when position mode is HEDGE_MODE and the trading involves futures.

reduce_only behavior: only applicable to perpetual symbols. When reduce only is set to true, the system ensures that the order will reduce the position size rather than increasing it. To facilitate this, the system must group related orders to accurately manage the reduce only calculations. There is a cap of 50 orders that can be grouped together and if the limit is exceeded, the system will reject the incoming order.


  "success": true,
  "order_id": 13,
  "client_order_id": 0,
  "order_type": "LIMIT",
  "order_price": 100.12,
  "order_quantity": 0.987654,
  "order_amount": null,
  "reduce_only": false,
  "timestamp": "1639980423.855" // Unix epoch time in seconds


Name Type Required Description
symbol string Y
client_order_id number N number for scope : from 0 to 9223372036854775807. (default: 0)
margin_mode enum N CROSS/ISOLATED, defualt will be CROSS. The ISOLATED option only applicable to perp symbols, will be rejected if passed in for spot symbols
order_tag string N An optional tag for this order. (default: default)
order_price number N If order_type is MARKET, then is not required, otherwise this parameter is required.
order_quantity number N For MARKET/ASK/BID order, if order_amount is given, it is not required.
order_amount number N For MARKET/ASK/BID order, the order size in terms of quote currency
reduce_only boolean N true or false, default false,If the user's RO order message contains 50 pending orders,the order can be created successfully placed.
visible_quantity number N The order quantity shown on orderbook. (default: equal to order_quantity)
side enum Y SELL/BUY
position_side enum N SHORT/LONG, If position mode is HEDGE_MODE and the trading involves futures,then is required, otherwise this parameter is not required.

Cancel all after

Limit: 10 requests per 1 second

POST v1/order/cancel_all_after

Provide a dead man switch to ensure user orders are canceled in case of an outage. If called repeatedly, the new timeout offset will replace the existing one if already set.When count down hits 0, all of the user’s ordinary and algo orders will be canceled.This API is only available to VIP users.Please reach out to customer service for more information.


    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "expected_trigger_time": 1711534302938
    "timestamp": 1711534302943


Name Type Required Description
trigger_after integer Y Timeout in ms. Max timeout can be set to 900000. To cancel this timer, set timeout to 0.

Cancel Order

Limit: 10 requests per 1 second shared with cancel_order_by_client_order_id

DELETE /v1/order

Cancel order by order id. The order cancelled information will be updated from websocket stream. note that we give an immediate response with an order cancel sent message, and will update the cancel event via the websocket channel.


  "success": true,
  "status": "CANCEL_SENT"


Name Type Required Description
order_id number Y The order_id that you wish tocancel
symbol string Y

Cancel Order by client_order_id

Limit: 10 requests per 1 second shared with cancel_order

DELETE /v1/client/order

Cancel order by client order id. The order cancelled information will be updated from websocket stream. note that we give an immediate response with an order cancel sent message, and will update the cancel event via the websocket channel.

Only the latest order with the symbol and client_order_id would be canceled.


  "success": true,
  "status": "CANCEL_SENT"


Name Type Required Description
client_order_id number Y The client_order_id that you wish tocancel
symbol string Y

Cancel Orders

Limit: 10 requests per 1 second

DELETE /v1/orders

Cancel orders by symbol.


  "success": true,
  "status": "CANCEL_ALL_SENT"


Name Type Required Description
symbol string Y

Cancel All Pending Orders

Limit: 10 requests per 1 second

DELETE /v3/orders/pending

Cancel all pending ordinary orders.


// success response
    "success": true,
    "status": "CANCEL_ALL_SENT"

// Failed response
    "success": false,
    "code": -1002,
    "message": "The request is unauthorized."

Get Order

Limit: 10 requests per 1 second shared with get_order_by_client_order_id

GET /v1/order/:oid

Get specific order details by order_id. The realized_pnl field in response will only present the settled amount for futures orders.


    "success": true,
    "created_time": "1577349119.33", // Unix epoch time in seconds
    "side": "SELL",
    "status": "FILLED",
    "symbol": "PERP_BTC_USDT",
    "client_order_id": 0,
    "reduce_only": false,
    "order_id": 1,
    "order_tag": "default",
    "type": "LIMIT",
    "price": 123,
    "quantity": 0.1,
    "amount": null,
    "visible": 0.1,
    "executed": 0.1,
    "total_fee": 0.00123,  // represents the cumulative fees for the entire order
    "fee_asset": "USDT",
    "average_executed_price": 123,
    'total_rebate': 0,   // indicates the aggregate rebates for the entire order
    'rebate_asset': null, 

    // Detail transactions of this order
    "Transactions": [
            "id": 2,
            "symbol": "PERP_BTC_USDT",
            "fee": 0.0001,   // fee for a single transaction
            "fee_asset": "usdt", // fee. use Base (BTC) as unit when BUY, use Quote (USDT) as unit when SELL
            "side": "BUY",
            "order_id": 1,
            "executed_price": 123,
            "executed_quantity": 0.05,
            "executed_timestamp": "1567382401.000", // Unix epoch time in seconds
            "is_maker": 1


Name Type Required Description
oid number Y The order_id oid that you wish to query

Get Order by client_order_id

Limit: 10 requests per 1 seconds shared with get_order

GET /v1/client/order/:client_order_id

Get specific order details by client_order_id. If there is more than one order with the same client_order_id, return the latest one. The realized_pnl field in response will only present the settled amount for futures orders.


    "success": true,
    "created_time": "1577349119.33", // Unix epoch time in seconds
    "side": "SELL",
    "status": "FILLED",
    "symbol": "SPOT_BTC_USDT",
    "client_order_id": 123,
    "reduce_only": false,
    "order_id": 1,
    "order_tag": "default",
    "type": "LIMIT",
    "price": 123,
    "quantity": 0.1,
    "amount": null,
    "visible": 0.1,
    "executed": 0.1,
    "total_fee": 0.00123,   // represents the cumulative fees for the entire order
    "fee_asset": "USDT",
    "average_executed_price": 123,
    'total_rebate': 0,    // indicates the aggregate rebates for the entire order
    'rebate_asset': null,

    // Detail transactions of this order
    "Transactions": [
            "id": 2,
            "symbol": "SPOT_BTC_USDT",
            "fee": 0.0001,    // fee for a single transaction
            "fee_asset": "BTC", // fee. use Base (BTC) as unit when BUY, use Quote (USDT) as unit when SELL
            "side": "BUY",
            "order_id": 1,
            "executed_price": 123,
            "executed_quantity": 0.05,
            "executed_timestamp": "1567382401.000", // Unix epoch time in seconds
            "is_maker": 1



Name Type Required Description
client_order_id number Y customized order_id when placing order

Get Orders

Limit: 10 requests per 1 second

GET /v1/orders

Get orders by customize conditions.
- COMPLETED = CANCELLED + FILLED + REJECTED The realized_pnl field in response will only present the settled amount for futures orders. The return value default is null unless the input parameter realized_pnl set to true


    "success": true,
    "meta": {
        "total": 31,
        "records_per_page": 25,
        "current_page": 1
    "rows": [
            "side": "SELL",
            "status": "CANCELLED",
            "symbol": "SPOT_BCHABC_USDT",
            "client_order_id": 123,
            "reduce_only": false,
            "order_id": 8197,
            "order_tag": "default",
            "type": "LIMIT",
            "price": 308.51,
            "quantity": 0.0019,
            "amount": null,
            "visible": 0.0019,
            "executed": 0,
            "total_fee": 0,
            "fee_asset": null,
            'total_rebate': 0,
            'rebate_asset': null,
            "created_time": "1575014255.089", // Unix epoch time in seconds
            "updated_time": "1575014255.910", // Unix epoch time in seconds
            "average_executed_price": null,
            "position_side": "LONG",  
        // ....skip (total 25 items in one page)


Name Type Required Description
symbol string N
side string N BUY/SELL
size number N The page size, default 100, max 500.
order_tag string N An optional tag for this order.
realized_pnl boolean N Decide if return data calculate realized pnl value for the futures order.
start_t timestamp N start time range that you wish to query, noted that the time stamp is a 13-digits timestamp.
end_t timestamp N end time range that you wish to query, noted that the time stamp is a 13-digits timestamp.
page number N (default: 1) the page you wish to query.

Edit Order

Limit: 5 requests per 1 second

PUT /v3/order/:order_id

**Note that for v3 API with json body POST method, please follow the instruction in authentication section for v3 API to generate the signature. **Please use string type for value input field to remain data accurancy.

The API allow you to edit the price and the quantity of the selected order. You must input at least one of it in the request body.


// Success response
    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "success": true,
        "status": "EDIT_SENT"
    "timestamp": 1673842319229

// Failed response
    "success": false,
    "code": -1103,
    "message": "The order does not meet the price filter requirement."


    "price": "10.5",
    "quantity": "1.4"


Name Type Required Description
order_id number Y The order_id that you wish to query
price string N New price of the order.
quantity string N New quantity of the order.

Edit Order by client_order_id

Limit: 5 requests per 1 second

PUT /v3/order/client/:client_order_id

**Note that for v3 API with json body POST method, please follow the instruction in authentication section for v3 API to generate the signature. **Please use string type for value input field to remain data accurancy.

The API allow you to edit the price and the quantity of the selected order. You must input at least one of it in the request body.


// Success response
    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "success": true,
        "status": "EDIT_SENT"
    "timestamp": 1673842319229

// Failed response
    "success": false,
    "code": -1103,
    "message": "The order does not meet the price filter requirement."


    "price": "10.5",
    "quantity": "1.4"


Name Type Required Description
client_order_id number Y customized order_id when placing order
price string N New price of the order.
quantity string N New quantity of the order.

Send Algo Order

Limit: 2 requests per 1 second

POST /v3/algo/order

**Note that for v3 API, please follow the instruction in authentication section for v3 API to generate the signature. **Please use string type for value input field to remain data accurancy.

Place algo order maker/taker, the order executed information will be updated from websocket stream. will respond immediately with an order created message.

To place Stop Market order, please use 'STOP' as algoType and 'MARKET' as type. Please input the trigger price in triggerPrice field.

To place Stop Limit order, please use 'STOP' as algoType and 'LIMIT' as type. Please input the trigger price in triggerPrice field.

To place Trailing Stop order, please use 'TRAILING_STOP' as algoType and 'MARKET' as type. Please also input your trailing rate setting in callbackRate field.

To place OCO order, the input fields is 2 layer and includes an array of the objects named childOrder. The second order of OCO order should be a STOP_LIMIT or STOP MARKET order object in the array. please use 'OCO' as algoType in outter parameters, 'STOP' as algoType in childOrder object, and 'LIMIT' or 'MARKET' as type.

To place Positional TP/SL order, the input fields is 2 layer and includes an array of the objects named childOrder. The take-profit or stop-loss order should be the objects in the array. For the sub-order in childOrder, please input 'CLOSE_POSITION' as type, and 'TAKE_PROFIT' or 'STOP_LOSS' in algoType field.

visible_quantity behavior: it sets the maximum quantity to be shown on orderbook. By default, it is equal to order_quantity, negative number and number larger than order_quantity is not allowed. The visibility of the childOrder will inherit the parent order's visibility setting. If it sets to 0, the order would be hidden from the orderbook. It doesn't work for MARKET orders since orders with these types would be executed and cancelled immediately and not be shown on orderbook. For LIMIT order, as long as it's not complete, visible_quantity is the maximum quantity that is shown on the orderbook.

client_order_id behavior: customized order_id, a unique id among open orders. Orders with the same client_order_id can be accepted only when the previous one if completed, otherwise the order will be rejected.

For Long/ Short order, It is supported when position mode is HEDGE_MODE and the trading involves futures.

reduce_only behavior: only applicable to perpetual symbols. When reduce only is set to true, the system ensures that the order will reduce the position size rather than increasing it. To facilitate this, the system must group related orders to accurately manage the reduce only calculations. There is a cap of 50 orders that can be grouped together and if the limit is exceeded, the system will reject the incoming order. For algo orders, the check happens when the order gets triggered.


  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "rows": [
        "algoType": "string",
        "clientOrderId": 0,
        "orderId": 0,
        "quantity": 0
  "message": "string",
  "success": true,
  "timestamp": 0

// bracket order response

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "rows": [
                "orderId": 432132,
                "clientOrderId": 0,
                "algoType": "TAKE_PROFIT",
                "quantity": 0
                "orderId": 432133,
                "clientOrderId": 0,
                "algoType": "STOP_LOSS",
                "quantity": 0
                "orderId": 432131,
                "clientOrderId": 0,
                "algoType": "POSITIONAL_TP_SL",
                "quantity": 0
                "orderId": 432130,
                "clientOrderId": 0,
                "algoType": "BRACKET",
                "quantity": 10
    "timestamp": 1676283560233


// stop market order


//stop market limit



    "symbol": "PERP_ETH_USDT",
    "side": "BUY",
    "reduceOnly": false,
    "type": "LIMIT",
    "quantity": "1",
    "algoType": "OCO",
    "price": "1000",
    "childOrders": [
            "side": "BUY",
            "algoType": "STOP",
            "triggerPrice": "1600",
            "type": "MARKET"

//Positional TP/SL

    "symbol": "SPOT_BAL_USDT",
    "reduceOnly": false,
    "algoType": "POSITIONAL_TP_SL",
    "childOrders": [
            "algoType": "TAKE_PROFIT",
            "type": "CLOSE_POSITION",
            "side": "BUY",
            "reduceOnly": true,
            "triggerPrice": "72"
            "algoType": "STOP_LOSS",
            "type": "CLOSE_POSITION",
            "side": "BUY",
            "reduceOnly": true,
            "triggerPrice": "74"

// Bracket order

    "symbol": "SPOT_BAL_USDT",
    "side": "BUY",
    "reduceOnly": false,
    "type": "LIMIT",
    "quantity": "1",
    "algoType": "BRACKET",
    "price": "69",
    "childOrders": [
            "symbol": "SPOT_BAL_USDT",
            "reduceOnly": false,
            "algoType": "POSITIONAL_TP_SL",
            "childOrders": [
                    "algoType": "TAKE_PROFIT",
                    "type": "CLOSE_POSITION",
                    "side": "SELL",
                    "reduceOnly": true,
                    "triggerPrice": "76"
                    "algoType": "STOP_LOSS",
                    "type": "CLOSE_POSITION",
                    "side": "SELL",
                    "reduceOnly": true,
                    "triggerPrice": "50"

Parameters - Parent

Name Type Required Description
activatedPrice string N activated price for algoType=TRAILING_STOP
marginMode enum N CROSS/ISOLATED, defualt will be CROSS. The ISOLATED option only applicable to perp symbols, will be rejected if passed in for spot symbols
callbackRate string N callback rate, only for algoType=TRAILING_STOP, i.e. the value = 0.1 represent to 10%.
callbackValue string N callback value, only for algoType=TRAILING_STOP, i.e. the value = 100
childOrders child N Child orders for algoType=POSITIONAL_TP_SL
symbol string Y
clientOrderId number N Client order id defined by client,number for scope : from 0 to 9223372036854775807. (default: 0), duplicated client order id on opening order is not allowed.
orderTag string N An optional tag for this order. (default: default)
price string N order price
quantity string N Order quantity, only optional for algoType=POSITIONAL_TP_SL
reduceOnly boolean N true or false, default false.If the user's RO order message contains 50 pending orders,the order can be created successfully placed.
triggerPrice string N trigger price, if algoType=TRAILING_STOP, you need to provide 'activatedPrice'
triggerPriceType string N trigger price, default MARKET_PRICE, enum: MARKET_PRICE
type string Y LIMIT/MARKET
visibleQuantity number N The order quantity shown on orderbook. (default: equal to orderQuantity)
side enum Y SELL/BUY
positionSide enum N SHORT/LONG, If position mode is HEDGE_MODE and the trading involves futures,then is required, otherwise this parameter is not required.

Parameters - Child

Name Type Required Description
symbol string Y
side enum Y SELL/BUY
type string Y LIMIT/MARKET
triggerPrice string N trigger price, if algoType=TRAILING_STOP, you need to provide 'activatedPrice'
price string N order price
reduceOnly boolean N true or false, default false,If the user's RO order message contains 50 pending orders,the order can be created successfully placed.
childOrders child N Child orders for algoType=POSITIONAL_TP_SL

Cancel Algo Order

Limit: 10 requests per 1 second shared with cancel_algo_order_by_client_order_id

DELETE /v3/algo/order/:order_id

***Note: This v3 API using query string to pass parameter, please follow the instruction in authentication section for v3 API to generate the signature. Cancel order by order id. The order cancelled information will be updated from websocket stream. note that we give an immediate response with an order cancel sent message, and will update the cancel event via the websocket channel.


// Success response
    "success": true,
    "status": "CANCEL_SENT"

// Failed response
    "success": false,
    "code": -1006,
    "message": "Your order and symbol are not valid or already canceled."


Name Type Required Description
order_id number Y The order_id that youwish to cancel

Cancel All Pending Algo Orders

Limit: 10 requests per 1 second

DELETE /v3/algo/orders/pending

***Note: This v3 API using query string to pass parameter, please follow the instruction in authentication section for v3 API to generate the signature. Cancel all pending algo orders.


// Success response
    "success": true,
    "status": "CANCEL_SENT"

// Failed response
    "success": false,
    "code": -1006,
    "message": "Your order and symbol are not valid or already canceled."

Cancel Pending Merge Orders by Symbol

Limit: 10 requests per 1 second

DELETE /v3/merge/orders/pending/:symbol

***Note that for v3 API, please follow the instruction in authentication section for v3 API to generate the signature. Cancel both ordinary and algo orders by symbol.


  "success": true,
  "status": "CANCEL_ALL_SENT"


Name Type Required Description
side string N (default: cancel both sides) BUY or SELL
symbol string Y
marginMode string N (default:CROSS) CROSS or ISOLATED

Get Algo Order

Limit: 10 requests per 1 second shared with get_algo_order_by_client_order_id

GET /v3/algo/order/:oid ***Note: This v3 API using query string to pass parameter, please follow the instruction in authentication section for v3 API to generate the signature.

Get specific order details by Algo order's oid.


// Success response
    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "algoOrderId": 431601,
        "clientOrderId": 0,
        "rootAlgoOrderId": 431601,
        "parentAlgoOrderId": 0,
        "symbol": "SPOT_ADA_USDT",
        "orderTag": "default",
        "algoType": "BRACKET",
        "side": "BUY",
        "quantity": 11,
        "isTriggered": false,
        "triggerStatus": "SUCCESS",
        "type": "LIMIT",
        "status": "FILLED",
        "rootAlgoStatus": "FILLED",
        "algoStatus": "FILLED",
        "triggerPriceType": "MARKET_PRICE",
        "price": 0.33,
        "triggerTime": "0",
        "totalExecutedQuantity": 11,
        "averageExecutedPrice": 0.33,
        "totalFee": 0.0033,
        "feeAsset": "ADA",
        "reduceOnly": false,
        "createdTime": "1676277825.917",
        "updatedTime": "1676280901.229",

    "timestamp": 1676281474630

// Failed response
    "success": false,
    "code": -1006,
    "message": "The order can not be found."


Name Type Required Description
oid number Y The Algo order's order_id oid that you wish to query

Get Algo Orders

Limit: 10 requests per 1 second

GET /v3/algo/orders

***Note: This v3 API using query string to pass parameter, please follow the instruction in authentication section for v3 API to generate the signature. Get orders by customize conditions.
- COMPLETED = CANCELLED + FILLED + REJECTED The realizedPnl field in response will only present the settled amount for futures orders. The return value default is null unless the input parameter realizedPnl set to true


  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "rows": [
        "leverage": 10,
        "algoOrderId": 2081697,
        "clientOrderId": 0,
        "rootAlgoOrderId": 2081697,
        "parentAlgoOrderId": 0,
        "symbol": "PERP_WOO_USDT",
        "orderTag": "default",
        "algoType": "POSITIONAL_TP_SL",
        "side": "BUY",
        "quantity": 0,
        "isTriggered": false,
        "triggerStatus": "NEW",
        "rootAlgoStatus": "NEW",
        "algoStatus": "NEW",
        "triggerPriceType": "USELESS",
        "triggerTime": "0",
        "totalExecutedQuantity": 0,
        "visibleQuantity": 0,
        "averageExecutedPrice": 0,
        "totalFee": 0,
        "feeAsset": "",
        "totalRebate": 0,
        "rebateAsset": "",
        "reduceOnly": false,
        "createdTime": "1720589170.566",
        "updatedTime": "1720589616.276",
        "isActivated": true,
        "childOrders": [
            "leverage": 10,
            "algoOrderId": 2081698,
            "clientOrderId": 0,
            "rootAlgoOrderId": 2081697,
            "parentAlgoOrderId": 2081697,
            "symbol": "PERP_WOO_USDT",
            "orderTag": "default",
            "algoType": "TAKE_PROFIT",
            "side": "BUY",
            "quantity": 0,
            "isTriggered": false,
            "triggerPrice": 0.14977,
            "triggerStatus": "USELESS",
            "type": "CLOSE_POSITION",
            "rootAlgoStatus": "NEW",
            "algoStatus": "NEW",
            "triggerPriceType": "MARK_PRICE",
            "triggerTime": "0",
            "totalExecutedQuantity": 0,
            "visibleQuantity": 0,
            "averageExecutedPrice": 0,
            "totalFee": 0,
            "feeAsset": "",
            "totalRebate": 0,
            "rebateAsset": "",
            "reduceOnly": true,
            "createdTime": "1720589170.561",
            "updatedTime": "1720589616.268",
            "isActivated": true,
            "positionSide": "SHORT",
            "marginMode": "ISOLATED"
            "leverage": 10,
            "algoOrderId": 2081699,
            "clientOrderId": 0,
            "rootAlgoOrderId": 2081697,
            "parentAlgoOrderId": 2081697,
            "symbol": "PERP_WOO_USDT",
            "orderTag": "default",
            "algoType": "STOP_LOSS",
            "side": "BUY",
            "quantity": 0,
            "isTriggered": false,
            "triggerPrice": 0.22465,
            "triggerStatus": "USELESS",
            "type": "CLOSE_POSITION",
            "rootAlgoStatus": "NEW",
            "algoStatus": "NEW",
            "triggerPriceType": "MARK_PRICE",
            "triggerTime": "0",
            "totalExecutedQuantity": 0,
            "visibleQuantity": 0,
            "averageExecutedPrice": 0,
            "totalFee": 0,
            "feeAsset": "",
            "totalRebate": 0,
            "rebateAsset": "",
            "reduceOnly": true,
            "createdTime": "1720589170.564",
            "updatedTime": "1720589616.270",
            "isActivated": true,
            "positionSide": "SHORT",
            "marginMode": "ISOLATED"
        "positionSide": "SHORT",
        "marginMode": "ISOLATED"
    "meta": {
      "total": 3,
      "records_per_page": 25,
      "current_page": 1
  "timestamp": 1720589635338


Name Type Required Description
createdTimeEnd timestamp N end time range that you wish to query, noted that the time stamp is a 13-digits timestamp.
createdTimeStart timestamp N start time range that you wish to query, noted that the time stamp is a 13-digits timestamp.
isTriggered boolean N true or false
orderTag string N An optional tag for this order.
page number N (default: 1) pag of query pagination
realizedPnl boolean N Decide if return data calculate realized pnl value for the futures order.
side string N BUY/SELL
size number N (default: 25) size for query pagination
symbol string N
orderType string N LIMIT/MARKET

Edit Algo Order

Limit: 5 requests per 1 second

PUT /v3/algo/order/:order_id

**Note that for v3 API with json body POST method, please follow the instruction in authentication section for v3 API to generate the signature. **Please use string type for value input field to remain data accurancy.

The API allow you to edit the trigger price and the quantity of the selected algo order. You must input at least one of it in the request body.


    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "success": true,
        "status": "EDIT_SENT"
    "timestamp": 1676277871935


  "activatedPrice": "200",
  "callbackRate": "200",
  "callbackValue": "200",
  "childOrders": [
      "algoOrderId": 123456,
      "price": "1000",
      "quantity": "1000",
      "triggerPrice": "1000"
  "price": "1000",
  "quantity": "1000",
  "triggerPrice": "1000"


Name Type Required Description
oid number Y The order_id oid that you wish to query
activatedPrice string N activated price for algoType=TRAILING_STOP
callbackRate string N new callback rate, only for algoType=TRAILING_STOP, i.e. the value = 0.1 represent to 10%.
callbackValue string N new callback value, only for algoType=TRAILING_STOP, i.e. the value = 100
childOrders array N The array list of the child orders, only for algoType=POSITIONAL_TP_SL or TP_SL
price number N New price of the algo order.
quantity number N New quantity of the algo order.
triggerPrice number N New trigger price of the algo order.

Edit Algo Order by client_order_id

Limit: 5 requests per 1 second

PUT /v3/algo/order/client/:client_order_id

**Note that for v3 API with json body POST method, please follow the instruction in authentication section for v3 API to generate the signature. **Please use string type for value input field to remain data accurancy.

The API allow you to edit the price and the quantity of the selected algo order. You must input at least one of it in the request body.


  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "status": "string",
    "success": true
  "message": "string",
  "success": true,
  "timestamp": 0


  "activatedPrice": "200",
  "callbackRate": "200",
  "callbackValue": "200",
  "childOrders": [
      "algoOrderId": 123456,
      "price": "1000",
      "quantity": "1000",
      "triggerPrice": "1000"
  "price": "1000",
  "quantity": "1000",
  "triggerPrice": "1000"


Name Type Required Description
oid number Y The order_id oid that you wish to query
activatedPrice string N activated price for algoType=TRAILING_STOP
callbackRate string N new callback rate, only for algoType=TRAILING_STOP, i.e. the value = 0.1 represent to 10%.
callbackValue string N new callback value, only for algoType=TRAILING_STOP, i.e. the value = 100
childOrders array N The array list of the child orders, only for algoType=POSITIONAL_TP_SL or TP_SL
price number N New price of the algo order.
quantity number N New quantity of the algo order.
triggerPrice number N New trigger price of the algo order.

Get Trade

Limit: 10 requests per 1 second

GET /v1/client/trade/:tid

Get specific transaction detail by id. (The data fetch from this API only contains past 3 months data, if you need the data more than 3 months, please submit the ticket in the support center).


    "success": true,
    "id": 1,
    "symbol": "SPOT_BTC_USDT",
    "fee": 0.0001,
    "fee_asset": "BTC", // fee. use Base (BTC) as unit when BUY, use Quote (USDT) as unit when SELL
    "side": "BUY",
    "order_id": 2,
    "executed_price": 123,
    "executed_quantity": 0.05,
    "is_maker": 0,
    "executed_timestamp": "1567382400.000"  // Unix epoch time in seconds


Name Type Required Description
tid number Y The transaction id tid that you wish to query

Get Trades

Limit: 10 requests per 1 second

GET /v1/order/:oid/trades

Get trades by order_id


    "success": true,
    "rows": [
            "id": 5, // transaction id
            "symbol": "SPOT_BTC_USDT",
            "order_id": 211,
            "order_tag": "default",
            "executed_price": 10892.84,
            "executed_quantity": 0.002,
            "is_maker": 0,
            "side": "SELL",
            "fee": 0,
            "fee_asset": "USDT", // use Base (BTC) as unit when BUY, use Quote (USDT) as unit when SELL
            "executed_timestamp": "1566264290.250"  // Unix epoch time in seconds


Name Type Required Description
oid number Y The order id oid that you wish to query

Get Trade History

Limit: 10 requests per 1 second

GET /v1/client/trades

Return client’s trade history in a range of time. (The data fetch from this API only contains past 3 months data, if you need the data more than 3 months, please user Get Archived Trade History).


    "success": true,
    "meta": {
        "total": 31,
        "records_per_page": 25,
        "current_page": 1
    "rows": [
            "id": 5, // transaction id
            "symbol": "SPOT_BTC_USDT",
            "order_id": 211,
            "order_tag": "default",
            "executed_price": 10892.84,
            "executed_quantity": 0.002,
            "is_maker": 0,
            "side": "SELL",
            "fee": 0,
            "fee_asset": "USDT", // use Base (BTC) as unit when BUY, use Quote (USDT) as unit when SELL
            "executed_timestamp": "1566264290.250"  // Unix epoch time in seconds
        // ....skip (total 25 items in one page)


Name Type Required Description
symbol string N
order_tag string N An optional tag for this order.
start_t timestamp N start time range that you wish to query, noted that the time stamp is a 13-digits timestamp.
end_t timestamp N end time range that you wish to query, noted that the time stamp is a 13-digits timestamp.
page number N (default: 1) the page you wish to query.
size number N (default: 25)

Get Archived Trade History

Limit: 1 requests per 1 second

GET /v1/client/hist_trades

Return client’s trade history in a range of time. (The data fetch from this API contains all time historical data).


    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "id": 217714629, // transaction id
            "symbol": "SPOT_BTC_USDT",
            "order_id": 211,
            "order_tag": "default",
            "executed_price": 10892.84,
            "executed_quantity": 0.002,
            "is_maker": 0,
            "side": "SELL",
            "fee": 0,
            "fee_asset": "USDT", // use Base (BTC) as unit when BUY, use Quote (USDT) as unit when SELL
            "executed_timestamp": "1566264290.250"  // Unix epoch time in seconds
        // ....skip (total 25 items in one page)


Name Type Required Description
symbol string N
start_t timestamp Y start time range that you wish to query, noted that the time stamp is a 13-digits timestamp.
end_t timestamp Y end time range that you wish to query, noted that the time stamp is a 13-digits timestamp.
fromId number N (default: 1) fromId is the trade id of the the record. It should be use as a cursor, so searching for trades starting with that trade id query.
limit number N (default: 25)

Get Staking Yield History

Limit: 10 requests per 1 second

GET /v1/staking/yield_history

Return client’s staking yield history


  "rows": [
      "id": 53173,
      "token": "WOO",
      "user_id": 10174,
      "staking_size": 30100.00000000,
      "annual_reward": "0.24294%",
      "yield_amount": 0.20034259,
      "yield_time": "1673481600.000"
      "id": 53029,
      "token": "WOO",
      "user_id": 10174,
      "staking_size": 30100.00000000,
      "annual_reward": "0.24294%",
      "yield_amount": 0.20034259,
      "yield_time": "1673395200.000"
      "id": 52885,
      "token": "WOO",
      "user_id": 10174,
      "staking_size": 30100.00000000,
      "annual_reward": "0.24294%",
      "yield_amount": 0.20034259,
      "yield_time": "1673308800.000"
      "id": 52741,
      "token": "WOO",
      "user_id": 10174,
      "staking_size": 30100.00000000,
      "annual_reward": "0.242572%",
      "yield_amount": 0.20003858,
      "yield_time": "1673222400.000"
      "id": 52597,
      "token": "WOO",
      "user_id": 10174,
      "staking_size": 30100.00000000,
      "annual_reward": "0.242572%",
      "yield_amount": 0.20003858,
      "yield_time": "1673136000.000"
  "meta": {
    "total": 582,
    "records_per_page": 5,
    "current_page": 1
  "success": true


Name Type Required Description
page number N (default: 1) the page you wish to query.
size number N (default: 25) the page size you wish to query, default = 25, 1000 at max.
token string Y i.e: WOO

Get Current Holding

Limit: 10 requests per 1 seconds

GET /v1/client/holding

Holding summary of the client. Note that the number in holding could be negative, it means how much the client owes to WOO X.


    "success": true,
    "holding": {
        "BTC": 1.014,
        "USDT": -26333.207589999998,
        "BCHABC": 2



Get Current Holding v2

Limit: 10 requests per 1 seconds

GET /v2/client/holding

** Note: This API will be deprecated at the end of 2023 Q1, please find the replacement API in Get Current Holding Get Balance - New Holding summary of client. Note that the number in holding could be negative, it means how much client owed to WOO X.




Name Type Required Description
all enum N true/false. If true then will return all tokens even if balance is empty.

Get Current Holding (Get Balance) - New

Limit: 100 requests per 1 mins

GET /v3/balances

Holding summary of client. Note that the number in holding could be negative, it means how much client owed to WOO X. The API is design to replace the legacy API Get Current Holding and Get Current Holding v2


  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "holding": [
        "token": "WOO",
        "holding": 169684.96645139,
        "frozen": 0.0,
        "staked": 1304330.65079109,
        "unbonding": 0.0,
        "vault": 0.0,
        "interest": 0.0,
        "pendingShortQty": 0.0,
        "pendingLongQty": 0.0,
        "availableBalance": 169684.96645139,
        "averageOpenPrice": 0.0,
        "markPrice": 0.22446,
        "launchpadVault": 0.0,
        "earn": 0.0,
        "pnl24H": 0.0,
        "fee24H": 0.0,
        "updatedTime": 1715126422.125
    "userId": 11446,
    "applicationId": "1ca13dff-f2d6-4fa4-a382-5ce1a79b2bc0"
  "timestamp": 1715197222107



Name Type Required Description
token string N Use the parameter in query string format (i.e. /v3/balance?token=WOO). If the parameter is empty (or not passed) it will return all token's holding.

Get Account Information

Limit: 10 requests per 60 seconds

GET /v1/client/info

** Note: This API will be deprecated at the end of 2023 Q1, please find the replacement API in Get Account Information - New Get account information such as account name, leverage, current exposure ... etc.



    "success": true,
    "application": {
        "application_id": "8935820a-6600-4c2c-9bc3-f017d89aa173",
        "account": "CLIENT_ACCOUNT_01",
        "alias": "CLIENT_ACCOUNT_01",
        "account_mode":"FUTURES" //account mode
        "leverage": 5,
        "taker_fee_rate": 0,
        "maker_fee_rate": 0,
        "futures_leverage": 5,
        "futures_taker_fee_rate": 0,
        "futures_maker_fee_rate": 0,
        "otpauth": false
    "margin_rate": 1000



Get Account Information - New

Limit: 10 requests per 60 seconds

GET /v3/accountinfo

Get account information such as account name, leverage, current exposure ... etc. The API is design to replace the legacy API Get Account Information

The referrerID in the response represent the referral code that the user used to sign up, subaccount would pass main account referrerID. The accountType in the response represent the account type is Main account or Subaccount


    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "applicationId": "f5f485c7-6ca5-4189-8efe-e842cdc50498",
        "account": "",
        "alias": "",
        "accountMode": "FUTURES",
        "positionMode": "HEDGE",
        "leverage": null, 
        "takerFeeRate": 0,
        "makerFeeRate": 0,
        "interestRate": 1,
        "futuresTakerFeeRate": 0,
        "futuresMakerFeeRate": 0,
        "otpauth": true,
        "marginRatio": 7739.3757,
        "openMarginRatio": 7739.3757,
        "initialMarginRatio": 1.0006,
        "maintenanceMarginRatio": 0.0126,
        "totalCollateral": 1146085.27376211,
        "freeCollateral": 1145937.09993548,
        "totalAccountValue": 1924716.18982933, // include isolated frozen and unrealized pnl
        "totalVaultValue": 778216.06557667,
        "totalStakingValue": 0,
        "referrerID": "",
        "accountType": "Main",
        "totalLaunchpadVaultValue": 0,
        "totalEarnValue": 0
    "timestamp": 1714284212689



Get Token History

Limit: 10 requests per 60 seconds

GET /v1/client/transaction_history



    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "rows": [
                "id": 1606724,
                "type": "YIELD_TO_BALANCE",
                "token": "WOO",
                "amount": 0.30029155,
                "timestamp": 1686528091385
                "id": 310949247,
                "type": "TRADING_FEE",
                "token": "USDT",
                "amount": -0.174587,
                "timestamp": 1686401821520
                "id": 1686355200000,
                "type": "REALIZED_PNL",
                "token": "USDT",
                "symbol": "PERP_WOO_USDT",
                "amount": -24.64824179,
                "timestamp": 1686355200000
                "id": 7284139,
                "type": "FUNDING_FEE",
                "token": "USDT",
                "amount": 0.02661496,
                "timestamp": 1686009921667
        "meta": {
            "total": 65,
            "records_per_page": 25,
            "current_page": 1
    "timestamp": 1686544732777


Name Type Required Description
start_t timestamp N start time range that you wish to query, noted that the time stamp is a 13-digits timestamp.
end_t timestamp N end time range that you wish to query, noted that the time stamp is a 13-digits timestamp.
page number N (default: 1) the page you wish to query.
size number N (default: 25)

Get Account API Key & Permission

Limit: 10 requests per 60 seconds

GET usercenter/api/enabled_credential

Get api_key list and its permissions of the account. The response will contain your API keys’ permissions based on the credentials.


    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "rows": [
                "account_name": "Main",
                "user_id": 10001,
                "api_key": "+Pxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx==",
                "permission": "Read,"
                "account_name": "Main",
                "user_id": 10001,
                "api_key": "Hxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx==",
                "permission": "Read,"
                "account_name": "Main",
                "user_id": 10001,
                "api_key": "Cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx==",
                "permission": "Read,"
                "account_name": "testSubAccount",
                "user_id": 10001,
                "api_key": "vxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx==",
                "permission": "Read,Enable trade,"
        "meta": {
            "total": 11,
            "records_per_page": 5,
            "current_page": 1
    "timestamp": 1685414636917



Get Buy Power

Limit: 60 requests per 60 seconds

GET /v3/buypower

Get buying power for selected symbol.


  "success": true,
  "data": [
        "symbol": "SPOT_BTC_USDT",
        "availableBaseQuantity": 1.2,
        "availableQuoteQuantity": 100,
  "timestamp": 1575014255


Name Type Required Description
symbol string Y symbol that you wish to query

Get Token Deposit Address

Limit 60 requests per 60 seconds

GET /v1/asset/deposit

Get your unique deposit address by token


    "success": true,
    "address": "0x31d64B3230f8baDD91dE1710A65DF536aF8f7cDa",
    "extra": ""


Name Type Required Description
token string Y token name you want to deposit (can get it by /public/token)

Token Withdraw

Limit 20 requests per 60 seconds

POST /v1/asset/withdraw

Initiate a token withdrawal request, amount must less than or equal to holding


    "success": true,
    "withdraw_id": "20200119145703654"


Name Type Required Description
token string Y token name you want to withdraw (can get it by /public/token)
address string Y the address you want to withdraw
extra string N address extra information such as MEMO or TAG
amount number Y amount you want to withdraw, must less or equal than holding

Token Withdraw V3

Limit 20 requests per 60 seconds

POST /v3/asset/withdraw

Initiate a token withdrawal request, amount must less than or equal to holding


    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "withdrawId": "24040901514500001"
    "timestamp": 1712627507204


Name Type Required Description
network string Y To be obtained from the /public/token endpoint
address string Y the address you want to withdraw
extra string N address extra information such as MEMO or TAG
amount number Y amount you want to withdraw, must less or equal than holding
balanceToken string Y To be obtained from the /public/token endpoin

Internal token withdraw

Limit: 20 requests per 60 seconds

POST v1/asset/internal_withdraw

Initiate a token withdrawal request, amount must less than or equal to holding. When using this API, please note that it cannot be utilized if address verification is enabled.


    "success": true,
    "withdraw_id": "20200119145703654"


Name Type Required Description
target_user_id string Yes withdraw target user id
balance_token string Yes balance token is token name you want to withdraw (can get it by /public/token)
amount number Yes amount you want to withdraw, must less or equal than holding

Cancel Withdraw Request

Limit 5 requests per 60 seconds

DELETE /v1/asset/withdraw

Cancel withdraw request when status is NEW


    "success": true


Name Type Required Description
id string Y the withdraw id you want to cancel

Get Asset History

Limit 10 requests per 60 seconds

GET /v1/asset/history

Get asset history, includes token deposit/withdraw and collateral deposit/withdraw.


    "success": true,
    "meta": {
        "records_per_page": 25,
        "current_page": 1
    "rows": [
            "created_time": "1579399877.041", // Unix epoch time in seconds
            "updated_time": "1579399877.041", // Unix epoch time in seconds
            "id": "202029292829292",
            "external_id": "202029292829292",
            "application_id": null,
            "token": "ETH",
            "target_address": "0x31d64B3230f8baDD91dE1710A65DF536aF8f7cDa",
            "source_address": "0x70fd25717f769c7f9a46b319f0f9103c0d887af0",
            "extra": "",
            "type": "BALANCE",
            "token_side": "DEPOSIT",
            "amount": 1000,
            "tx_id": "0x8a74c517bc104c8ebad0c3c3f64b1f302ed5f8bca598ae4459c63419038106b6",
            "fee_token": null,
            "fee_amount": null,
            "status": "CONFIRMING"
            "created_time": "1579399877.041",
            "updated_time": "1579399877.041",
            "id": "20202020202020022",
            "external_id": "20202020202020022",
            "application_id": null,
            "token": "ETH",
            "target_address": "0x31d64B3230f8baDD91dE1710A65DF536aF8f7cDa",
            "source_address": "0x70fd25717f769c7f9a46b319f0f9103c0d887af0",
            "extra": "",
            "type": "BALANCE",
            "token_side": "DEPOSIT",
            "amount": 100,
            "tx_id": "0x7f74c517bc104c8ebad0c3c3f64b1f302ed5f8bca598ae4459c63419038106c5",
            "fee_token": null,
            "fee_amount": null,
            "status": "COMPLETED"


Name Type Required Description
id string N use when query specific transaction id (the result of withdrawal or internal transfer.)
token string N token name you want to search (can get it by /public/token)
balance_token string N balance_token name you want to search (can get it by /public/token)
token_side string N DEPOSIT/WITHDRAW
start_t timestamp N start time range that you wish to query, noted that the time stamp is a 13-digits timestamp.
end_t timestamp N end time range that you wish to query, noted that the time stamp is a 13-digits timestamp.
page number N (default: 1) the page you wish to query.
size number N (default: 25)

Margin Interest Rates

Limit 10 requests per 60 seconds

GET /v1/token_interest

Get the margin interest rate of each token.


    "success": true,
    "rows": [
            "token": "MATIC",
            "current_hourly_base_rate": "0.0001%",
            "est_hourly_base_rate": "0.0001%",
            "current_annual_base_rate": "0.876%",
            "est_annual_base_rate": "0.876%",
            "est_time": "1632394800.000"          // Unix epoch time in seconds
            "token": "USDT",
            "current_hourly_base_rate": "0.0008%",
            "est_hourly_base_rate": "0.0008%",
            "current_annual_base_rate": "7.008%",
            "est_annual_base_rate": "7.008%",
            "est_time": "1632394800.000"          // Unix epoch time in seconds
            "token": "WOO",
            "current_hourly_base_rate": "0.001%",
            "est_hourly_base_rate": "0.001%",
            "current_annual_base_rate": "8.76%",
            "est_annual_base_rate": "8.76%",
            "est_time": "1632394800.000"          // Unix epoch time in seconds
        // ...



Margin Interest Rate of Token

Limit 10 requests per 60 seconds

GET /v1/token_interest/:token

Get the margin interest rate of the specific token.


    "success": true,
    "info": {
        "token": "BTC",
        "current_hourly_base_rate": "0.0001%",
        "est_hourly_base_rate": "0.0001%",
        "current_annual_base_rate": "0.876%",
        "est_annual_base_rate": "0.876%",
        "est_time": "1632448800.000"         // Unix epoch time in seconds


Name Type Required Description
token string Y should be upper case

Get Interest History

Limit 10 requests per 60 seconds

GET /v1/interest/history

Get margin interest history. loan_amount will only appear when the side is LOAN.


    "success": true,
    "meta": {
        "total": 349,
        "records_per_page": 25,
        "current_page": 1
    "rows": [

            "created_time": "1579399877.041", // Unix epoch time in seconds
            "updated_time": "1579399877.041", // Unix epoch time in seconds
            "token": "USDT",
            "application_id": null,
            "user_id": null,
            "status": "SUCCEED",
            "quantity": 0.20768326,
            "side": "LOAN",
            "interest": 0.01,
            "hourly_rate": "0.001%",
            "annual_rate": "8.76%",
            "loan_amount": 1000


Name Type Required Description
token string N interest token which you want to query
start_t timestamp N start time range that you wish to query, noted that the time stamp is a 13-digits timestamp.
end_t timestamp N end time range that you wish to query, noted that the time stamp is a 13-digits timestamp.
page number N (default: 1) the page you wish to query.
size number N (default: 25)

Repay Interest

Limit 10 requests per 60 seconds

POST /v1/interest/repay

REPAY your margin interest.


    "success": true,


Name Type Required Description
token string Y interest token which you want to repay
amount number Y repayment amount

Get referrals summary

Limit: 10 requests per 60 seconds

GET /v3/referrals

Get referral information from each user you has referred.


// The status of the recommender includes four types:Registered; Verified identity; Deposited; Traded
    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "rows": [
                "referralId": 12509,
                "registerTime": "1643076873.484",
                "referralCode": "OJEDSSMU",
                "tradeStatus": "Traded",
                "earnWoo": 144.78597143,
                "earnUsdt": 0,
                "email": "",
                "extraBonus": 0,
                "extraBonusToken": "WOO",
                "previousVersionCommissionSum": 10.07981438,
                "previousVersionCommissionSumToken": "WOO"
                "referralId": 12192,
                "registerTime": "1639365757.173",
                "referralCode": "OJEDSSMU",
                "tradeStatus": "Traded",
                "earnWoo": 5729.91597424,
                "earnUsdt": 80.39717397,
                "email": "",
                "extraBonus": 0,
                "extraBonusToken": "WOO",
                "previousVersionCommissionSum": 5726.55249830,
                "previousVersionCommissionSumToken": "WOO"
                "referralId": 10588,
                "registerTime": "1678349096.000",
                "referralCode": "OJEDSSMU",
                "tradeStatus": "Traded",
                "earnWoo": 2058880.44406483,
                "earnUsdt": 54128.36568263,
                "email": "",
                "extraBonus": 90,
                "extraBonusToken": "WOO",
                "previousVersionCommissionSum": 20160.36080029,
                "previousVersionCommissionSumToken": "WOO"
                "referralId": 10492,
                "registerTime": "1623203745.173",
                "referralCode": "DIHGLR3T",
                "tradeStatus": "Traded",
                "earnWoo": 0,
                "earnUsdt": 0.76927350,
                "email": "",
                "extraBonus": 90,
                "extraBonusToken": "WOO",
                "previousVersionCommissionSum": null,
                "previousVersionCommissionSumToken": "WOO"
        "meta": {
            "total": 4,
            "records_per_page": 25,
            "current_page": 1
    "timestamp": 1690192103430


Name Type Required Description
page number N (default: 1) the page you wish to query.
size number N (default: 25)
from number N start time range that you wish to query, noted that the time stamp is a 13-digits timestamp.
to number N end time range that you wish to query, noted that the time stamp is a 13-digits timestamp.

Get referral reward history

Limit: 10 requests per 60 seconds

GET /v3/referral_rewards

Get referral reward information


    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "rows": [
                "trade_date": "2023/07/17",
                "referral_receive_percentage": 0.50000000,
                "referrer_receive_percentage": 0.50000000,
                "referral_rate": 0.47000000,
                "referral_commission": 53929.73957955,
                "status": "Credited",
                "reward_token": "USDT",
                "referral_tier": 5,
                "referral_program": "TIER",
                "referral_id": 10588
                "trade_date": "2023/07/17",
                "referral_receive_percentage": 0,
                "referrer_receive_percentage": 0,
                "referral_rate": 0.00100000,
                "referral_commission": 2038704.30927676,
                "status": "Credited",
                "reward_token": "WOO",
                "referral_tier": 0,
                "referral_program": "AFFILIATE",
                "referral_id": 10588
                "trade_date": "2023/07/12",
                "referral_receive_percentage": 0,
                "referrer_receive_percentage": 0,
                "referral_rate": 0.00100000,
                "referral_commission": 0.05004760,
                "status": "Credited",
                "reward_token": "WOO",
                "referral_tier": 0,
                "referral_program": "AFFILIATE",
                "referral_id": 10588
                "trade_date": "2023/07/11",
                "referral_receive_percentage": 0,
                "referrer_receive_percentage": 0,
                "referral_rate": 0.00100000,
                "referral_commission": 0.44951069,
                "status": "Credited",
                "reward_token": "WOO",
                "referral_tier": 0,
                "referral_program": "AFFILIATE",
                "referral_id": 10588
                "trade_date": "2023/07/11",
                "referral_receive_percentage": 0.50000000,
                "referrer_receive_percentage": 0.50000000,
                "referral_rate": 0.47000000,
                "referral_commission": 0.04858848,
                "status": "Credited",
                "reward_token": "USDT",
                "referral_tier": 5,
                "referral_program": "TIER",
                "referral_id": 12192
                "trade_date": "2023/07/11",
                "referral_receive_percentage": 0,
                "referrer_receive_percentage": 0,
                "referral_rate": 0.00100000,
                "referral_commission": 3.09802285,
                "status": "Credited",
                "reward_token": "WOO",
                "referral_tier": 0,
                "referral_program": "AFFILIATE",
                "referral_id": 12192
                "trade_date": "2023/07/07",
                "referral_receive_percentage": 0,
                "referrer_receive_percentage": 0,
                "referral_rate": 0.00100000,
                "referral_commission": 134.61965671,
                "status": "Credited",
                "reward_token": "WOO",
                "referral_tier": 0,
                "referral_program": "AFFILIATE",
                "referral_id": 12509
                "trade_date": "2023/07/06",
                "referral_receive_percentage": 0,
                "referrer_receive_percentage": 0,
                "referral_rate": 0.00100000,
                "referral_commission": 15.27442949,
                "status": "Credited",
                "reward_token": "WOO",
                "referral_tier": 0,
                "referral_program": "AFFILIATE",
                "referral_id": 10588
                "trade_date": "2023/07/03",
                "referral_receive_percentage": 0.50000000,
                "referrer_receive_percentage": 0.50000000,
                "referral_rate": 0.30000000,
                "referral_commission": 0.00811566,
                "status": "Credited",
                "reward_token": "USDT",
                "referral_tier": 5,
                "referral_program": "TIER",
                "referral_id": 12192
                "trade_date": "2023/07/03",
                "referral_receive_percentage": 0,
                "referrer_receive_percentage": 0,
                "referral_rate": 0.00100000,
                "referral_commission": 0.26545309,
                "status": "Credited",
                "reward_token": "WOO",
                "referral_tier": 0,
                "referral_program": "AFFILIATE",
                "referral_id": 12192
                "trade_date": "2023/06/30",
                "referral_receive_percentage": 0.50000000,
                "referrer_receive_percentage": 0.50000000,
                "referral_rate": 0.30000000,
                "referral_commission": 0.00144840,
                "status": "Credited",
                "reward_token": "USDT",
                "referral_tier": 5,
                "referral_program": "TIER",
                "referral_id": 12192
                "trade_date": "2023/06/30",
                "referral_receive_percentage": 0,
                "referrer_receive_percentage": 0,
                "referral_rate": 0.00100000,
                "referral_commission": 0.08224395,
                "status": "Credited",
                "reward_token": "WOO",
                "referral_tier": 0,
                "referral_program": "AFFILIATE",
                "referral_id": 12192
                "trade_date": "2023/06/29",
                "referral_receive_percentage": 0.50000000,
                "referrer_receive_percentage": 0.50000000,
                "referral_rate": 0.30000000,
                "referral_commission": 0.06940520,
                "status": "Credited",
                "reward_token": "USDT",
                "referral_tier": 5,
                "referral_program": "TIER",
                "referral_id": 12192
                "trade_date": "2023/06/29",
                "referral_receive_percentage": 0,
                "referrer_receive_percentage": 0,
                "referral_rate": 0.00100000,
                "referral_commission": 4.34149772,
                "status": "Credited",
                "reward_token": "WOO",
                "referral_tier": 0,
                "referral_program": "AFFILIATE",
                "referral_id": 12192
                "trade_date": "2023/06/28",
                "referral_receive_percentage": 0.50000000,
                "referrer_receive_percentage": 0.50000000,
                "referral_rate": 0.30000000,
                "referral_commission": 0.01434340,
                "status": "Credited",
                "reward_token": "USDT",
                "referral_tier": 5,
                "referral_program": "TIER",
                "referral_id": 12192
                "trade_date": "2023/06/28",
                "referral_receive_percentage": 0,
                "referrer_receive_percentage": 0,
                "referral_rate": 0.00100000,
                "referral_commission": 0.87468814,
                "status": "Credited",
                "reward_token": "WOO",
                "referral_tier": 0,
                "referral_program": "AFFILIATE",
                "referral_id": 12192
                "trade_date": "2023/06/27",
                "referral_receive_percentage": 0.50000000,
                "referrer_receive_percentage": 0.50000000,
                "referral_rate": 0.30000000,
                "referral_commission": 0.01949850,
                "status": "Credited",
                "reward_token": "USDT",
                "referral_tier": 5,
                "referral_program": "TIER",
                "referral_id": 10492
                "trade_date": "2023/06/27",
                "referral_receive_percentage": 0.50000000,
                "referrer_receive_percentage": 0.50000000,
                "referral_rate": 0.30000000,
                "referral_commission": 0.00900000,
                "status": "Credited",
                "reward_token": "USDT",
                "referral_tier": 5,
                "referral_program": "TIER",
                "referral_id": 10588
                "trade_date": "2023/06/27",
                "referral_receive_percentage": 0,
                "referrer_receive_percentage": 0,
                "referral_rate": 0.00100000,
                "referral_commission": 0.90196242,
                "status": "Credited",
                "reward_token": "WOO",
                "referral_tier": 0,
                "referral_program": "AFFILIATE",
                "referral_id": 10588
                "trade_date": "2023/06/27",
                "referral_receive_percentage": 0.50000000,
                "referrer_receive_percentage": 0.50000000,
                "referral_rate": 0.30000000,
                "referral_commission": 0.05706141,
                "status": "Credited",
                "reward_token": "USDT",
                "referral_tier": 5,
                "referral_program": "TIER",
                "referral_id": 12192
                "trade_date": "2023/06/27",
                "referral_receive_percentage": 0,
                "referrer_receive_percentage": 0,
                "referral_rate": 0.00100000,
                "referral_commission": 3.43115031,
                "status": "Credited",
                "reward_token": "WOO",
                "referral_tier": 0,
                "referral_program": "AFFILIATE",
                "referral_id": 12192
                "trade_date": "2023/06/26",
                "referral_receive_percentage": 0.50000000,
                "referrer_receive_percentage": 0.50000000,
                "referral_rate": 0.30000000,
                "referral_commission": 0.74977500,
                "status": "Credited",
                "reward_token": "USDT",
                "referral_tier": 5,
                "referral_program": "TIER",
                "referral_id": 10492
                "trade_date": "2023/06/26",
                "referral_receive_percentage": 0.50000000,
                "referrer_receive_percentage": 0.50000000,
                "referral_rate": 0.30000000,
                "referral_commission": 0.05399999,
                "status": "Credited",
                "reward_token": "USDT",
                "referral_tier": 5,
                "referral_program": "TIER",
                "referral_id": 10588
                "trade_date": "2023/06/26",
                "referral_receive_percentage": 0,
                "referrer_receive_percentage": 0,
                "referral_rate": 0.00100000,
                "referral_commission": 2.78932410,
                "status": "Credited",
                "reward_token": "WOO",
                "referral_tier": 0,
                "referral_program": "AFFILIATE",
                "referral_id": 10588
                "trade_date": "2023/06/26",
                "referral_receive_percentage": 0.50000000,
                "referrer_receive_percentage": 0.50000000,
                "referral_rate": 0.30000000,
                "referral_commission": 0.06862500,
                "status": "Credited",
                "reward_token": "USDT",
                "referral_tier": 5,
                "referral_program": "TIER",
                "referral_id": 12192
        "meta": {
            "total": 79,
            "records_per_page": 25,
            "current_page": 1
    "timestamp": 1690273370109


Name Type Required Description
page number N (default: 1) the page you wish to query.
size number N (default: 25)
from number N start time range that you wish to query, noted that the time stamp is a 13-digits timestamp.
to number N end time range that you wish to query, noted that the time stamp is a 13-digits timestamp.

Get Subaccounts

Limit: 10 requests per 60 seconds

GET /v1/sub_account/all

Get subaccount list.


    "rows": [
            "application_id": "6b43de5c-0955-4887-9862-d84e4689f9fe",
            "account": "2",
            "created_time": "1606897264.994"
            "application_id": "5b0df321-3aaf-471f-a386-b922a941d17d",
            "account": "1",
            "created_time": "1606897264.994"
            "application_id": "de25e672-f3e8-4ddc-b264-75d243cb2b9c",
            "account": "test",
            "created_time": "1606897264.994"
    "success": true


Main account only.



Get Assets of Subaccounts

Limit: 10 requests per 60 seconds

GET /v1/sub_account/assets

Get assets summary of all subaccounts (including main account).


    "rows": [
            "application_id": "0b297f58-9d3e-4c91-95cd-863329631b79",
            "account": "Main",
            "usdt_balance": 0.0
    "success": true


Main account only.



Get Asset Details from a Subaccount

Limit: 10 requests per 60 seconds

GET /v1/sub_account/asset_detail

Get assets details from a subaccounts.


    "balances": {
        "BTC": {
            "holding": 0.0,
            "frozen": 0.0,
            "interest": 0.0,
            "staked": 0.0,
            "unbonding": 0.0,
            "vault": 0.0
        "WOO": {
            "holding": 4172706.29647137,
            "frozen": 0.0,
            "interest": 0.0,
            "staked": 51370692,
            "unbonding": 0.0,
            "vault": 0.0
        "BNB": {
            "holding": 0.00070154,
            "frozen": 0.0,
            "interest": 0.0,
            "staked": 0.0,
            "unbonding": 0.0,
            "vault": 0.0
        "ETH": {
            "holding": 0.0,
            "frozen": 0.0,
            "interest": 0.0,
            "staked": 0.0,
            "unbonding": 0.0,
            "vault": 0.0
        "USDT": {
            "holding": 14066.5839369,
            "frozen": 0.0,
            "interest": 0.0,
            "staked": 0.0,
            "unbonding": 0.0,
            "vault": 0.0
    "account": "test",
    "success": true,
    "application_id": "e074dd6b-4c03-49be-937f-856472f7a6cb"


Main or Subaccounts.


Name Type Required Description
application_id string Y application id for an account, user can find it from WOO X console.

Get IP Restriction

Limit: 10 requests per 10 seconds

GET /v1/sub_account/ip_restriction

Get allowed IP list of a subaccount's API Key.


    "rows": [
            "ip_list": ",,,,,,",
            "api_key": "plXHR+GwX0u8UG/GwMjLsQ==",
            "update_time": "1644553230.916",
            "restrict": true
    "meta": {
        "total": 1,
        "records_per_page": 25,
        "current_page": 1
    "success": true


Main or Subaccounts.


Name Type Required Description
application_id string N from WOO X console
api_key string N created from WOO X console

Get Transfer History

Limit: 20 requests per 60 seconds

GET /v1/asset/main_sub_transfer_history

Get transfer history between main account and subaccounts.


            // ....skip (total 25 items in one page)


Main or Subaccounts.


Name Type Required Description
start_t timestamp N start time range that you wish to query, noted that the time stamp is a 13-digits timestamp.
end_t timestamp N end time range that you wish to query, noted that the time stamp is a 13-digits timestamp.
page number N (default: 1) the page you wish to query.
size number N (default: 25)

Transfer Assets

Limit: 20 requests per 60 seconds POST /v1/asset/main_sub_transfer

Transfer asset between main account and subaccounts.


    "success": true,
    "id": 200


Main or Subaccounts.


Name Type Required Description
token string Y token name you want to transfer (can get it by /public/token)
amount number Y amount you want to transfer
from_application_id string Y application id you want to transfer from
to_application_id string Y application id you want to transfer to

Get LtV info

Limit: 20 requests per 60 seconds POST /v1/asset/ltv

For credit user to know whether need to deposit more funds to the platform if I want to withdraw.


    "user_id": 12136,
    "success": true,
    "ltv_threshold": 0.6,
    "wallet_total_collateral": 1890719757.24550000,
    "credit": 0.00000000,
    "staking_woo_collateral": 0,
    "ltv": 0.00000000,
    "share_credit_user_ltv_infos": [
            "user_id": 12136,
            "wallet_total_collateral": 1890719757.24550000,
            "staking_woo_collateral": 0


Name Type Required Description
withdraw_token string N If input this field, the withdraw_amount field will be mandatory
withdraw_amount number N amount you want to withdraw of the withdraw_token

Update Account Mode

Limit: 5 requests per 60 seconds per user

POST /v1/client/account_mode

Choose account mode: pure spot or margin or futures


Name Type Required Description
account_mode string Y PURE_SPOT, MARGIN, FUTURES


    "success": true

Update Position Mode

Limit: 2 requests per 1 second per user

POST /v1/client/position_mode

Choose position mode: ONE_WAY or HEDGE_MODE


Name Type Required Description
position_mode string Y set ONE_WAY / HEDGE_MODE to position mode


    "success": true

Update Leverage Setting

Limit: 5 requests per 60 seconds per user

POST /v1/client/leverage

Choose maximum leverage for margin mode

Name Type Required Description
leverage int Y for margin mode: 3, 4, 5,10 ;


    "success": true

Update Futures Leverage Setting

Limit: 60 requests per 60 seconds per user

POST /v1/client/futures_leverage

Choose maximum leverage for futures mode


Name Type Required Description
symbol string Y Perpetual symbol name.
margin_mode string Y Options are CROSS/ISOLATED
position_side string Y Options are LONG/SHORT in hedge mode; BOTH in one way mode.
leverage int Y Leverage to set


    "success": true

GET Futures Leverage Setting

Limit: 10 requests per 60 seconds per user

GET /v1/client/futures_leverage


Name Type Required Description
symbol string Y Perpetual symbol name.
margin_mode string Y Options are CROSS/ISOLATED
position_mode string Y Options are ONE_WAY/HEDGE, for HEDGE mode it will present for both side


// cross margin, one way mode
    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "symbol": "PERP_BTC_USDT",
        "margin_mode": "CROSS",
        "position_mode": "ONE_WAY",    
        "details": [
                "position_side": "BOTH",
                "leverage": "10"
    "timestamp": 1696663264324

// cross margin, hedge mode
    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "symbol": "PERP_BTC_USDT",
        "margin_mode": "CROSS",
        "position_mode": "HEDGE_MODE",    
        "details": [
                "position_side": "LONG",
                "leverage": "10"
                "position_side": "SHORT",
                "leverage": "10"
    "timestamp": 1696663264324

// isolated margin, one way mode
    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "symbol": "PERP_BTC_USDT",
        "margin_mode": "ISOLATED",
        "position_mode": "ONE_WAY",    
        "details": [
                "position_side": "BOTH",
                "leverage": "10"
    "timestamp": 1696663264324

// isolated margin, hedge mode
    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "symbol": "PERP_BTC_USDT",
        "margin_mode": "ISOLATED",
        "position_mode": "HEDGE_MODE",    
        "details": [
                "position_side": "LONG",
                "leverage": "10"
                "position_side": "SHORT",
                "leverage": "20"
    "timestamp": 1696663264324

Update Isolated Margin Setting

Limit: 20 requests per 60 seconds per user

POST /v1/client/isolated_margin


Name Type Required Description
symbol string Y Perpetual symbol name.
position_side string Y Options are LONG/SHORT in hedge mode; BOTH in one way mode.
adjust_token string Y Only USDT is supported.
adjust_amount Number Y Token amount to be added or reduced.
action Number Y ADD/REDUCE


    "success": true

Get Funding Fee History

Limit: 20 requests per 60 seconds per user

GET /v1/funding_fee/history

Get funding fee history


Name Type Required Description
symbol string N symbol that you wish to query
start_t timestamp N start time range that you wish to query, noted that the time stamp is a 13-digits timestamp.
end_t timestamp N end time range that you wish to query, noted that the time stamp is a 13-digits timestamp.
page number N (default: 1) the page you wish to query.
size number N (default: 10) max 5000


    "success": true,
    "meta": {
            "total": 670,
        "records_per_page": 25,
        "current_page": 1
    "rows": [
            "id": 10001,
            "symbol": "PERP_BTC_USDT",
            "funding_rate": 0.00345,
            "mark_price": 100,
            "funding_fee": 0.345,
            "payment_type": "Receive", // Receive and Pay
            "status": "COMPLETED",
            "created_time": "1575014255.089", // Unix epoch time in seconds
            "updated_time": "1575014255.910", // Unix epoch time in seconds
            "funding_rate_interval_hours": 1
        // ....skip (total 25 items in one page)


Get All Position info

Limit: 30 requests per 10 seconds per user

GET /v1/positions

** Note: This API will be deprecated at the end of 2023 Q1, please find the replacement API in Get Positions - New



    "total_account_value": 1924712.88293063,
    "current_margin_ratio": 7719.4699,
    "success": true,
    "total_collateral": 1146084.70891586,
    "total_vault_value": 0.0,
    "total_staking_value": 0.0,
    "positions": [
            "symbol": "PERP_WOO_USDT",
            "holding": 8.0,
            "pending_long_qty": 0.0,
            "pending_short_qty": 0.0,
            "settle_price": 0.31197093,
            "average_open_price": 0.43228,
            "timestamp": "1714247701.266",
            "opening_time": "1712542194.878",
            "mark_price": 0.31851,
            "est_liq_price": 0.0,
            "position_side": "LONG",
            "pnl_24_h": 0.0,
            "fee_24_h": 0.0,
            "margin_mode": "ISOLATED", 
            "leverage": 10, 
            "isolated_margin_token": "USDT",
            "isolated_margin_amount": 99.1,
            "isolated_frozen_long": 81.2,
            "isolated_frozen_short": 88.2
            "symbol": "PERP_WOO_USDT",
            "holding": 8.0,
            "pending_long_qty": 0.0,
            "pending_short_qty": 0.0,
            "settle_price": 0.31197093,
            "average_open_price": 0.43228,
            "timestamp": "1714247701.266",
            "opening_time": "1712542194.878",
            "mark_price": 0.31851,
            "est_liq_price": 0.0,
            "position_side": "LONG",
            "pnl_24_h": 0.0,
            "fee_24_h": 0.0,
            "margin_mode": "CROSS", 
            "leverage": 10, 
            "isolated_margin_token": "",
            "isolated_margin_amount": 0,
            "isolated_frozen_long": 0,
            "isolated_frozen_short": 0
    "initial_margin_ratio": 1.0006,
    "free_collateral": 1145936.1530736,
    "maintenance_margin_ratio": 0.0126

Get All Position info - New

Limit: 30 requests per 10 seconds per user

GET /v3/positions

The API is design to replace the legacy API Get Positions




  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "positions": [
        "symbol": "PERP_JTO_USDT",
        "holding": 20.0,
        "pendingLongQty": 0.0,
        "pendingShortQty": 0.0,
        "settlePrice": 2.0771,
        "averageOpenPrice": 2.0771,
        "pnl24H": 0.0,
        "fee24H": 0.0186939,
        "markPrice": 2.07460399,
        "estLiqPrice": 1.92748111,
        "timestamp": 1725916355.494,
        "adlQuantile": 1,
        "positionSide": "BOTH",
        "marginMode": "ISOLATED",
        "isolatedMarginToken": "USDT",
        "isolatedMarginAmount": 4.1604313,
        "isolatedFrozenLong": 0.0,
        "isolatedFrozenShort": 0.0,
        "leverage": 10
        "symbol": "PERP_W_USDT",
        "holding": -50.0,
        "pendingLongQty": 50.0,
        "pendingShortQty": 0.0,
        "settlePrice": 0.1906,
        "averageOpenPrice": 0.1906,
        "pnl24H": 0.0,
        "fee24H": 0.0,
        "markPrice": 0.2103828568089886,
        "estLiqPrice": 4.542491646808989,
        "timestamp": 1725681481.767,
        "adlQuantile": 1,
        "positionSide": "BOTH",
        "marginMode": "CROSS",
        "isolatedMarginToken": "",
        "isolatedMarginAmount": 0.0,
        "isolatedFrozenLong": 0.0,
        "isolatedFrozenShort": 0.0,
        "leverage": 20
  "timestamp": 1725916369913

Get One Position info

Limit: 30 requests per 10 seconds per user

(Note that get-one-position-info will only support to response the CROSS mode position of the selected symbol.)

GET /v1/position/:symbol




    "success": true,
    "symbol": "PERP_BTC_USDT",
    "holding": 1.23,
    "pending_long_qty": 0.5,
    "pending_short_qty": 0.23,
    "settle_price": 50000,
    "average_open_price": 49000,
    "pnl_24_h": 20,
    "fee_24_h": 0.2,
    "mark_price": 49550,
    "est_liq_price": 40000,
    "timestamp": "1575014255.089"

GET InsuranceFund

Limit: token filtered to USDT only

GET /v3/public/insuranceFund


Name Type Required Description
symbol string Y


   "success": true,
    "data": {
      "rows": [
          "balance": 1000,
          "token": "USDT",
    "timestamp": 1673323685109 

GET AssignmentPreference

Limit: 10 requests per 60 seconds

GET /v3/liquidator/assignmentPreference

Get your account’s assignment preferences. 




    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "rows": [
                "symbol": "PERP_BTC_USDT",
                "type": "USDT_NOTIONAL",
                "maxAmountPerOrder": 10000,
                "maxAmountTotal": null,
                "acceptLong": true,
                "acceptShort": true,
                "symbol": "PERP_ETH_USDT",
                "type": "BASE_TOKEN"
                "maxAmountPerOrder": "100000",
                "maxAmountTotal": "1000000",
                "acceptLong": true,
                "acceptShort": false,
    "timestamp": 1711433755393

Add an AssignmentPreference

Limit: 10 requests per 60 seconds

POST /v3/liquidator/assignmentPreference

Add an assignment preference for your account. If a preference already exists for the symbol, adding a new one will automatically override the previous preference.


Name Type Required Description
symbol string Yes Perpetual symbol name
type string Yes Specifies the type for the max amount. Options are USDT_NOTIONAL/BASE_TOKEN/LIMITLESS.
maxAmountPerOrder string Conditional Max assigned per order. If type is USDT_NOTIONAL or BASE_TOKEN, both maxAmountPerOrder and maxAmountTotal need to be specified. If type is LIMITLESS, maxAmountPerOrder and maxAmountTotal will be ignored.
maxAmountTotal string Conditional Max position size after assignment. If type is USDT_NOTIONAL or BASE_TOKEN, both maxAmountPerOrder and maxAmountTotal need to be specified. If type is LIMITLESS, maxAmountPerOrder and maxAmountTotal will be ignored.
acceptLong boolean No (default: true) Whether to accept long positions
acceptShort boolean No (default: true) Whether to accept short positions


    "success": true,
    "timestamp": 1711432330937

Delete an AssignmentPreference

Limit: 10 requests per 1 seconds

DELETE /v3/liquidator/assignmentPreference

Delete an assignment preference by symbol.


Name Type Required Description
symbol string Yes symbol name


    "success": true,
    "timestamp": 1711432330937

Websocket API V2

We will launch a new domain on 2024/09/22. Please note that the old domain will be decommissioned at a later date, which will be announced separately.

If you are a new user, please use the new domain for integration. If you are an existing user, you may continue using, but we strongly recommend migrating to as soon as possible to avoid any future service disruptions.

Market Data Base endpoints:

Private User Data Stream Base endpoints:



Name Type Required Description
event string Y ping/pong



request orderbook

Push interval: real-time push


Name Type Required Description
id string Y id generate by client
event string Y request
params.type string Y orderbook
params.symbol string Y {symbol}
    "id": "clientID1",
    "event": "request",
    "params": {
        "type": "orderbook",
        "symbol": "SPOT_BTC_USDT"





Name Type Required Description
id string Y id generate by client
event string Y subscribe/unsubscribe
topic string Y {symbol}@orderbook/{symbol}@orderbook100
    "id": "clientID2",
    "topic": "SPOT_WOO_USDT@orderbook",
    "event": "subscribe"


    "id": "clientID2",
    "event": "subscribe",
    "success": true,
    "ts": 1609924478533,
    "data": "SPOT_WOO_USDT@orderbook"

Subscribed Message

    "topic": "SPOT_WOO_USDT@orderbook",
    "ts": 1614152140945,
    "data": {
        "symbol": "SPOT_WOO_USDT",
        "asks": [
        "bids": [



Name Type Required Description
id string Y id generate by client
event string Y subscribe/unsubscribe
topic string Y {symbol}@orderbookupdate
    "id": "clientID2",
    "topic": "SPOT_BTC_USDT@orderbookupdate",
    "event": "subscribe"


    "id": "clientID2",
    "event": "subscribe",
    "success": true,
    "ts": 1609924478533,
    "data": "SPOT_BTC_USDT@orderbookupdate"

Subscribed Message




Name Type Required Description
id string Y id generate by client
event string Y subscribe/unsubscribe
topic string Y {symbol}@trade
    "id": "clientID3",
    "topic": "SPOT_ADA_USDT@trade",
    "event": "subscribe"


    "id": "clientID3",
    "event": "subscribe",
    "success": true,
    "ts": 1609924478533,
    "data": "SPOT_ADA_USDT@trade"

Subscribed Message




Name Type Required Description
id string Y id generate by client
event string Y subscribe/unsubscribe
topic string Y SPOT_BTC_USDT@trades
    "id": "clientID3",
    "topic": "SPOT_BTC_USDT@trades",
    "event": "subscribe"


    "id": "clientID3",
    "event": "subscribe",
    "success": true,
    "ts": 1609924478533,
    "data": "SPOT_BTC_USDT@trades"

Subscribed Message


24h ticker


Name Type Required Description
id string Y id generate by client
event string Y subscribe/unsubscribe
topic string Y {symbol}@ticker
    "id": "clientID4",
    "topic": "SPOT_WOO_USDT@ticker",
    "event": "subscribe"


    "id": "clientID4",
    "event": "subscribe",
    "success": true,
    "ts": 1609924478533,
    "data": "SPOT_WOO_USDT@ticker"


Subscribed Message

    "topic": "SPOT_WOO_USDT@ticker",
    "ts": 1614152270000,
    "data": {
        "symbol": "SPOT_WOO_USDT",
        "open": 0.16112,
        "close": 0.32206,
        "high": 0.33000,
        "low": 0.14251,
        "volume": 89040821.98,
        "amount": 22493062.21,
        "aggregatedQuantity": 20598.85059063,
        "aggregatedAmount": 1303973569.5714033,
        "count": 15442
        "astTs": 1727161921650

24h tickers


Name Type Required Description
id string Y id generate by client
event string Y subscribe/unsubscribe
topic string Y tickers
    "id": "clientID4",
    "topic": "tickers",
    "event": "subscribe"


    "id": "clientID4",
    "event": "subscribe",
    "success": true,
    "ts": 1609924478533,
    "data": "tickers"

Subscribed Message

            "aggregatedQuantity": 20598.85059063,
            "aggregatedAmount": 1303973569.5714033,
            "astTs": 1727161921650
            "aggregatedQuantity": 20598.85059063,
            "aggregatedAmount": 1303973569.5714033,
            "astTs": 1727161921650



Name Type Required Description
id string Y id generate by client
event string Y subscribe/unsubscribe
topic string Y {symbol}@bbo
    "id": "clientID5",
    "topic": "SPOT_WOO_USDT@bbo",
    "event": "subscribe"


    "id": "clientID5",
    "event": "subscribe",
    "success": true,
    "ts": 1609924478533,
    "data": "SPOT_WOO_USDT@bbo"

Subscribed Message

    "topic": "SPOT_WOO_USDT@bbo",
    "ts": 1614152296945,
    "data": {
        "symbol": "SPOT_WOO_USDT",
        "ask": 0.30939,
        "askSize": 4508.53,
        "bid": 0.30776,
        "bidSize": 25246.14



Name Type Required Description
id string Y id generate by client
event string Y subscribe/unsubscribe
topic string Y bbos
    "id": "clientID5",
    "topic": "bbos",
    "event": "subscribe"


    "id": "clientID5",
    "event": "subscribe",
    "success": true,
    "ts": 1609924478533,
    "data": "bbos"

Subscribed Message




Name Type Required Description
id string Y id generate by client
event string Y subscribe/unsubscribe
topic string N {symbol}@kline_{time}
    "id": "clientID6",
    "topic": "SPOT_BTC_USDT@kline_1m",
    "event": "subscribe"


    "id": "clientID6",
    "event": "subscribe",
    "success": true,
    "ts": 1609924478533,
    "data": "SPOT_BTC_USDT@kline_1m"

Subscribed Message




Name Type Required Description
id string Y id generate by client
event string Y subscribe/unsubscribe
topic string Y {symbol}@indexprice
    "id": "clientID3",
    "topic": "SPOT_ETH_USDT@indexprice",
    "event": "subscribe"


    "id": "clientID3",
    "event": "subscribe",
    "success": true,
    "ts": 1609924478533,
    "data": "SPOT_ETH_USDT@indexprice"

Subscribed Message




Name Type Required Description
id string Y id generate by client
event string Y subscribe/unsubscribe
topic string Y {symbol}@markprice
    "id": "clientID3",
    "topic": "PERP_ETH_USDT@markprice",
    "event": "subscribe"


    "id": "clientID3",
    "event": "subscribe",
    "success": true,
    "ts": 1609924478533,
    "data": "PERP_ETH_USDT@markprice"

Subscribed Message




Name Type Required Description
id string Y id generate by client
event string Y subscribe/unsubscribe
topic string Y {symbol}@estfundingrate
    "id": "clientID3",
    "topic": "PERP_BTC_USDT@estfundingrate",
    "event": "subscribe"


    "id": "clientID3",
    "event": "subscribe",
    "success": true,
    "ts": 1609924478533,
    "data": "PERP_BTC_USDT@estfundingrate"

Subscribed Message




Name Type Required Description
id string Y id generate by client
event string Y subscribe/unsubscribe
topic string Y openinterests
    "id": "clientID3",
    "topic": "openinterests",
    "event": "subscribe"


    "id": "clientID3",
    "event": "subscribe",
    "success": true,
    "ts": 1609924478533,
    "data": "openinterests"

Subscribed Message




Name Type Required Description
id string Y id generate by client
event string Y subscribe/unsubscribe
topic string Y markprices
    "id": "clientID5",
    "topic": "markprices",
    "event": "subscribe"


    "id": "clientID5",
    "event": "subscribe",
    "success": true,
    "ts": 1609924478533,
    "data": "openinterests"

Subscribed Message




Name Type Required Description
apikey string Y api key
sign string Y sign
timestamp string Y timestamp





Name Type Required Description
id string Y id generate by client
event string Y subscribe/unsubscribe
topic string Y balance
    "id": "clientID3",
    "topic": "balance",
    "event": "subscribe"


    "id": "clientID3",
    "event": "subscribe",
    "success": true,
    "ts": 1609924478533,
    "data": "balance"

Subscribed Message

                "timestamp": 1618757713353 
                "timestamp": 1618757713353 



Name Type Required Description
id string Y id generate by client
event string Y subscribe/unsubscribe
topic string Y executionreport
    "id": "clientID3",
    "topic": "executionreport",
    "event": "subscribe"


    "id": "clientID3",
    "event": "subscribe",
    "success": true,
    "ts": 1609924478533,
    "data": "executionreport"

Subscribed Message

// receive for order status in new, filled, partial filled execution report
    "topic": "executionreport",
    "ts": 1675406261689,
        "msgType": 0,  // execution report
        "symbol": "SPOT_BTC_USDT",
        "clientOrderId": 0,
        "orderId": 54774393,
        "type": "MARKET",
        "side": "BUY",
        "quantity": 0.0,
        "price": 0.0,
        "tradeId": 56201985,
        "executedPrice": 23534.06,
        "executedQuantity": 0.00040791,
        "fee": 2.1E-7,
        "feeAsset": "BTC",
        "totalExecutedQuantity": 0.00040791,
        "avgPrice": 23534.06,
        "status": "FILLED",
        "reason": "",
        "orderTag": "default",
        "totalFee": 2.1E-7,
        "feeCurrency": "BTC",
        "totalRebate": 0,
        "rebateCurrency": "USDT",
        "visible": 0.0,
        "timestamp": 1675406261689,
        "reduceOnly": false,
        "maker": false,
        "leverage": 10,
        "marginMode": "CROSS",

// receive when editing order be rejected
    "topic": "executionreport",
    "ts": 1675406261689,
        "msgType": 1,  // edit reject
        "symbol": "SPOT_BTC_USDT",
        "orderId": 54774393,
        "reason": ""

// receive when canceling order be rejected
    "topic": "executionreport",
    "ts": 1675406261689,
        "msgType": 2,  // cancel reject
        "symbol": "SPOT_BTC_USDT",
        "orderId": 54774393,
        "reason": ""

// receive when canceling ALL orders be rejected
    "topic": "executionreport",
    "ts": 1675406261689,
        "msgType": 3,  // cancel all reject
        "symbol": "SPOT_BTC_USDT",
        "reason": ""

Error response

    "id": "clientID7",
    "event": "subscribe",
    "success": false,
    "ts": 1614141150601,
    "errorMsg": "invalid symbol SPOT_WOO_USDC"



Name Type Required Description
id string Y id generate by client
event string Y subscribe/unsubscribe
topic string Y algoexecutionreportv2
    "id": "clientID3",
    "topic": "algoexecutionreportv2",
    "event": "subscribe"


    "id": "clientID3",
    "event": "subscribe",
    "success": true,
    "ts": 1609924478533,
    "data": "algoexecutionreportv2"

Subscribed Message

    "topic": "algoexecutionreportv2",
    "ts": 1667978011834,
    "data": [
            "symbol": "SPOT_BAL_USDT",
            "rootAlgoOrderId": 345181,
            "parentAlgoOrderId": 0,
            "algoOrderId": 345181,
            "clientOrderId": 0,
            "orderTag": "default",
            "status": "NEW",
            "algoType": "BRACKET",
            "side": "SELL",
            "quantity": 1,
            "triggerStatus": "SUCCESS",
            "price": 69,
            "type": "LIMIT",
            "triggerTradePrice": 0,
            "triggerTime": 0,
            "tradeId": 0,
            "executedPrice": 0,
            "executedQuantity": 0,
            "fee": 0,
            "reason": "",
            "feeAsset": "USDT",
            "totalExecutedQuantity": 0,
            "averageExecutedPrice": 0,
            "totalFee": 0,
            "feeCurrency": "USDT",
            "totalRebate": 0,
            "rebateCurrency": "BAL",
            "timestamp": 1667978011834,
            "visibleQuantity": 1,
            "reduceOnly": false,
            "activatedPrice": 0,
            "triggered": false,
            "activated": false,
            "maker": false,
            "isTriggered": false,
            "isMaker": false,
            "isActivated": false,
            "rootAlgoStatus": "NEW",
            "algoStatus": "NEW",
            "leverage": 10,
            "marginMode": "CROSS",
            "symbol": "SPOT_BAL_USDT",
            "rootAlgoOrderId": 345181,
            "parentAlgoOrderId": 345181,
            "algoOrderId": 345182,
            "clientOrderId": 0,
            "orderTag": "default",
            "algoType": "POSITIONAL_TP_SL",
            "side": "BUY",
            "quantity": 0,
            "triggerStatus": "USELESS",
            "price": 0,
            "triggerTradePrice": 0,
            "triggerTime": 0,
            "tradeId": 0,
            "executedPrice": 0,
            "executedQuantity": 0,
            "fee": 0,
            "reason": "",
            "feeAsset": "",
            "totalExecutedQuantity": 0,
            "averageExecutedPrice": 0,
            "totalFee": 0,
            "feeCurrency": "USDT",
            "totalRebate": 0,
            "rebateCurrency": "BAL",
            "timestamp": 1667978011900,
            "visibleQuantity": 0,
            "reduceOnly": false,
            "activatedPrice": 0,
            "triggered": false,
            "activated": false,
            "maker": false,
            "isTriggered": false,
            "isMaker": false,
            "isActivated": false,
            "rootAlgoStatus": "NEW",
            "algoStatus": "NEW",
            "leverage": 10,
            "marginMode": "CROSS",
            "symbol": "SPOT_BAL_USDT",
            "rootAlgoOrderId": 345181,
            "parentAlgoOrderId": 345182,
            "algoOrderId": 345183,
            "clientOrderId": 0,
            "orderTag": "default",
            "algoType": "TAKE_PROFIT",
            "side": "BUY",
            "quantity": 0,
            "triggerPrice": 50,
            "triggerStatus": "USELESS",
            "price": 0,
            "type": "CLOSE_POSITION",
            "triggerTradePrice": 0,
            "triggerTime": 0,
            "tradeId": 0,
            "executedPrice": 0,
            "executedQuantity": 0,
            "fee": 0,
            "reason": "",
            "feeAsset": "",
            "totalExecutedQuantity": 0,
            "averageExecutedPrice": 0,
            "totalFee": 0,
            "feeCurrency": "USDT",
            "totalRebate": 0,
            "rebateCurrency": "BAL",
            "timestamp": 1667978011900,
            "visibleQuantity": 0,
            "reduceOnly": true,
            "activatedPrice": 0,
            "triggered": false,
            "activated": false,
            "maker": false,
            "isTriggered": false,
            "isMaker": false,
            "isActivated": false,
            "rootAlgoStatus": "NEW",
            "algoStatus": "NEW",
            "leverage": 10,
            "marginMode": "CROSS",
            "symbol": "SPOT_BAL_USDT",
            "rootAlgoOrderId": 345181,
            "parentAlgoOrderId": 345182,
            "algoOrderId": 345184,
            "clientOrderId": 0,
            "orderTag": "default",
            "algoType": "STOP_LOSS",
            "side": "BUY",
            "quantity": 0,
            "triggerPrice": 75,
            "triggerStatus": "USELESS",
            "price": 0,
            "type": "CLOSE_POSITION",
            "triggerTradePrice": 0,
            "triggerTime": 0,
            "tradeId": 0,
            "executedPrice": 0,
            "executedQuantity": 0,
            "fee": 0,
            "reason": "",
            "feeAsset": "",
            "totalExecutedQuantity": 0,
            "averageExecutedPrice": 0,
            "totalFee": 0,
            "feeCurrency": "USDT",
            "totalRebate": 0,
            "rebateCurrency": "BAL",
            "timestamp": 1667978011900,
            "visibleQuantity": 0,
            "reduceOnly": true,
            "activatedPrice": 0,
            "triggered": false,
            "activated": false,
            "maker": false,
            "isTriggered": false,
            "isMaker": false,
            "isActivated": false,
            "rootAlgoStatus": "NEW",
            "algoStatus": "NEW",
            "leverage": 10,
            "marginMode": "CROSS",

position push


Name Type Required Description
id string Y id generate by client
event string Y subscribe/unsubscribe
topic string Y position
    "id": "clientID5",
    "topic": "position",
    "event": "subscribe"


    "id": "clientID5",
    "event": "subscribe",
    "success": true,
    "ts": 1609924478533,
    "data": "position"

Subscribed Message

    "topic": "position",
    "ts": 1711612096824,
    "data": {
        "positions": [
            "PERP_WOO_USDT": {
                "holding": 0.0,
                "pendingLongQty": 0.00020,
                "pendingShortQty": 0.0,
                "averageOpenPrice": 0.0,
                "pnl24H": -1.55902,
                "fee24H": 0.21800043,
                "settlePrice": 0.0,
                "markPrice": 22325.47533333,
                "version": 93454,
                "openingTime": 0,
                "pnl24HPercentage": -0.00542227
                "adlQuantile": 1,
                "timestamp": 1677814653001
                "leverage": 10,
                "marginMode": "ISOLATED",
                "isolatedMarginToken": "USDT",
                "isolatedMarginAmount": 1000,                
                "isolatedFrozenLong": 10,
                "isolatedFrozenShort": 10,
            "PERP_WOO_USDT": {
                // ... omit existing fields

                "leverage": 10,
                "marginMode": "CROSS",
                "isolatedMarginToken": "",
                "isolatedMarginAmount": 0,                
                "isolatedFrozenLong": 0,
                "isolatedFrozenShort": 0,



Name Type Required Description
id string Y id generate by client
event string Y subscribe/unsubscribe
topic string Y marginassignment
    "id": "clientID3",
    "topic": "marginassignment",
    "event": "subscribe"


    "id": "clientID3",
    "event": "subscribe",
    "success": true,
    "ts": 1609924478533,
    "data": "marginassignment"

Subscribed Message

     "topic": "marginassignment",
     "ts": 1677814655102,
         "margin": [
                 "token": "USDT",
                 "qty": 35.41628771
                 "token": "WOO",
                 "qty": 83.62,
         "orders": [
                 "id": 5306374839,
                 "symbol": "PERP_NEAR_USDT",
                 "price": 1.7,
                 "type": "LIQUIDATE_BLP",
                 "status": "FILLED",
                 "referencePrice": 1.7,
                 "quantity": 7.0,
                 "side": "BUY",
                 "executedQuantity": 7.0,
                 "executedAmount": 11.9,
                 "visibleQty": 7.0,
                 "feeAsset": "USDT",
                 "fee": 0

Convert Endpoints

Get Exchange Quote Info

Limit: 6 requests per 60 seconds per IP address

GET /v3/convert/exchangeInfo


    "success": true,
    "rows": [
            "fromAsset": "ETH",
            "toAsset": "BTC",
            "fromAssetMin": 1,
            "fromAssetMax": 100,
            "toAssetMin": 0.1,
            "toAssetMax": 10,
            "createdTime": "1575014248.99", // Unix epoch time in seconds
            "updatedTime": "1575014248.99"  // Unix epoch time in seconds
            "fromAsset": "BTC",
            "toAsset": "ETH",
            "fromAssetMin": 0.1,
            "fromAssetMax": 10,
            "toAssetMin": 1,
            "toAssetMax": 100,
            "createdTime": "1575014248.99", // Unix epoch time in seconds
            "updatedTime": "1575014248.99"  // Unix epoch time in seconds


Name Type Required Description

Get Quote Asset Info

Limit: 6 requests per 60 seconds per IP address

GET /v3/convert/assetInfo


    "success": true,
    "rows": [
            "token": "BTC",
            "tick": 0.0001,
            "createdTime": "1575014248.99", // Unix epoch time in seconds
            "updatedTime": "1575014248.99"  // Unix epoch time in seconds
            "token": "ETH",
            "tick": 0.001,
            "createdTime": "1575014248.99", // Unix epoch time in seconds
            "updatedTime": "1575014248.99"  // Unix epoch time in seconds


Name Type Required Description

Get Quote Trade

Limit: 6 requests per 60 seconds per IP address

GET /v3/convert/trade


// Success
    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "quoteId": 12,
        "buyAsset": "",
        "sellAsset": "",
        "buyAmount": 12.11,
        "sellAmount": 12.11,
        "tradeStatus": 12,
        "createdTime": ""
// Failure
    "success": false,
    "message": "INTERNAL_ERROR" .
    "data": null


Name Type Required Description
quoteId Long false quote_id

Get Quote Trades

Limit: 6 requests per 60 seconds per IP address

GET /v3/convert/trades


// Success
    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "count": 12,
                "quoteId": 12,
                "buyAsset": "",
                "sellAsset": "",
                "buyAmount": 12.11,
                "sellAmount": 12.11,
                "tradeStatus": 12,
                "createdTime": ""
// Failure
    "success": false,
    "message": "INTERNAL_ERROR" .
    "data": null


Name Type Required Description
quoteId Long false quote_id
page Integer false
size Integer false
startTime Long false Millis
endTime Long false Millis

Release Note

All the API changes would be listed here.


Environment Old Endpoint New Endpoint
Production wss:// wss://
Staging wss:// wss://

You only need to replace the base URL, and nothing else needs to be changed. For Production Endpoint base URL change,Please notice, the new production endpoints will be accessible on 2024/9/22.

API: -> WebSocket: wss:// -> wss://

For Staging Endpoint base URL change,This endpoint is accessible now

API: -> WebSocket: wss:// -> wss://









2024-03-31 (4/2 system release)



































User could cancel order by the user-specified client_order_id.

User could get all the trades by order_id.